Foreign language classes for kids

Set your children up for lifelong success

Berlitz US
2 min readOct 11, 2018


Language can shape the way we think about the world around us — and this is particularly true for children. Whether it’s an opportunity to converse with others while traveling, enhancing native language skills, or preparing for future opportunities, learning a new language is a valuable addition to your child’s curriculum and can expand their world beyond the classroom.

Language learning leads to overall success

Learning a second language improves overall cognitive development, and it can often lead to better performance in other courses and subjects — and even leading to higher test scores.

Research has shown that students who have studied foreign language ultimately perform better in other subjects in school and on college entrance exams, like the American College Test (ACT) and the SAT[1].

So, whether the goal is to become conversational for basic communication or to gain fluency, courses in a foreign language can lead to better grades which can mean more opportunities for advancement in college and career.

Peer-to-peer learning

The investment in time and effort into learning a new language yields benefits beyond the language itself. Certainly, a new language means future educational and professional opportunities, but the lessons themselves can be fun, too, with improved communication and social skills as potential byproducts.

A foreign language curriculum relies upon interaction through conversation — with both instructors and fellow students. This gives students a chance to learn in a whole new way; learning is in an environment that encourages participation, keeping students engaged throughout the course.

In a peer-to-peer setting, language-learning lessons enable students to improve their existing language skills, increase their ability to interact with others leading to improved social skills, and even grow their overall confidence.

Expand their world

It’s never too early to begin learning a language. Not only is it fun, it’s a strong supplement to the traditional core classes taught in school and promotes healthy development, opening opportunities beyond the classroom.

Learning a new language can give your child a significant advantage in the classroom and beyond. Find out more about the language courses for Kids and Teens on our website at

[1] (2018). Studies Supporting Increased Academic Achievement | American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2018].



Berlitz US

Berlitz offers the fastest and most effective way to learn a language. We give the confidence and skills to help them reach their goals and progress further.