Bernie Bongo (Do the Bernie Bongo)

Matt Orfalea
Bernie 2016
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2016

Do the Bernie Bongo, Bernie Bongo
Talk with your hands represent the people

Wanna punch Donald Trump in his big pie-hole?
Do the Bernie Bongo, like a bald eagle!
Bernie marched for civil liberties with Dr. King
So do the Bernie Bongo like Ryan Gosling

Wealth inequality and greed becoming obscene
Even Hillary Clinton is owned by banks on the Wallstreet
But Bernie doesn’t take that corporate money
So Do the Bernie Bongo like The Red Hot Chilis

Won’t talk smack, but he packs a punch
no super PAC, cause he’s not corrupt
all you dumb pundits, who say Hillary won this
do the Bernie bongo, because Bernie just begun this!

Do the Bernie bongo, Bernie bongo
Smash the greedy banks like Mark Ruffalo as the hulk
Do the Bernie bongo, Bernie bongo
with Steve Wozniack and Danny Devito

People wanna bribe him but Bernie says no
bernie dont want your mother fracking dough
Stop burning fossils, go renewable
n Do the Bernie bongo like flippin sealn

Hair is white, shirt is blue,
Voted against the Patriot Act because he read it, fool!
If you don’t like getting spied on by the NSA
Do the Bernie Bongo, like Ben & Jerry!

Banks run a muck? Break em up!
Government corruption? Enough is enough!
America, it’s time to stand up,
just like Bernie Sanders haircut!

Do the Bernie bongo, Bernie bongo
he’s a humble hero like the hobbit Frodo
On the Iraq War, Bernie voted no,
Bernie’s track record’s better than Usain Bolt

Doesn’t care bout her server or about his old age
all he’ll say about servers, is they deserve a fair wage!
How can Hillary ever regulate the banks?
when she’s always taking money from banks backstage

Do the Bernie bongo, Bernie bongo,
Like Killer Mike and like Will Ferrell
If you’re mad as hell and won’t take it anymore,
Do the Bernie Bongo like Leo Dicaprio!

Make weed legal, stop crowding jails
The TPP is a bad deal
So join the rebels, like Han Solo
Bernie’s our only hope, cause he’s not for sale!

His mission is to end racism and for-profit prisons!
a minimum standard of livin for every citizen
healthcare as a right, no more inflated prices
kill ISIS, but the bigger threat is the climate change crisis

Public college should be free and not a fantasy,
He got a plan to pass the tab to the thieves of Wall Street!
We need paid family leave, end child poverty
Gonna dominate the Donald like Ronda Rousey


