Bernie Sanders Songs (12 Best of the Internet)

Matt Orfalea
Bernie 2016
2 min readMar 23, 2016


There are lots and lots of songs called “Feel the Bern”. Literally hundreds. But here are the 12 best according to one humble youtube addict.

1. Bernie Sanders Song — Rachel Chevat

For 2 minutes and 22 seconds you will have no worries. (Afterwards you should get back to phone banking though ;)

2. Bernie Sanders Song LIVE — Topher Buckland

3. Fire Is Ours — Makana

4. Feel the Bern (Punk Song) — patrick crawford

I dono about you but takes a really badass song and epic thumbnail for me to listen to a song on youtube with no video.

5. Mr. Sandman by Berning Man

Mr. Berning Man is the king of Bernie song remakes. He’s done Bernie covers of the Beach Boys, The Ramones, The Beatles (& even the Flintstones!) And. So. Much. More. Thank you Berning Man!

6. Feel the Bern Baby by Ezekiel Sawthawheel

What happens when you learn your date is voting Trump?

7. Bernie Sanders (2016) by Ethan Edenburg

Like the mainstream media, this song spends about 98% of the time talking about Trump. But unlike mainstream media. It is good.

8. “Hey Bernie Sanders” ~ by Brian Estes

This one stands out from the crowd because it features a good old fashioned banjo. And because it doesn’t say “Feel the Bern” in the title or chorus :)

9. Feel the Bern by Alex Vans

10. Can You Feel The Bern by Matt Oestreicher

11. Gives You Hell AAR Parody by Keith Rubino

12. “Talk Bernie to Me” by Boobs for Bernie

These ladies want Bernie to fill their wage gap.


So many inspiring songs I had to make my own!

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