Berry Data and Czodiac Will Work Together on Joint NFT

Berry Data
Berry Data Official
2 min readSep 26, 2021

On September 26th, Berry Data and Czodiac rached a partnership, both parties will work together on NFT development, which will make joint NFT. In addition, both parties will help each other with business supports.

About Czodiac

The CZodiac Tokens start with OxZodiac, since 2021 is the year of the Ox. After each month instead of yearly swap we will do a token swap every 30 days to the next Zodiac decreasing the supply 8:1 until we finish the 12 Chinese Zodiac Sign and will have a fixed supply of CZodiac Token. Therefore in the that order you will have already witnessed the release of TigerZodiac. The Tiger Zodiac have already been released and had a warm welcome and very strong hold among the community. The upcoming token is RabbitZodiac. These CZodiac Tokens are deflationary, growing your wealth just via holding. Additionally different games are run for the CZodiac tokens to win NFTs, get airdrops, and more!

CZFarm is the community’s farming and rewards token. It was initially launched as an airdrop to long term holders and TigerHunt dapp players. CZFarm is minted as rewards for defi dapps which may also burn CZFarm. Accordingly in the long term it is expected CZFarm will find a stable supply. The primary features for CZFarm are LP Farming, Pools, Trading DEX, and the upcoming CZUSD lending system.

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About Berry Data

Berry Data is a transparent community-verified price oracle on BSC(Binance Smart Chain). Berry Data provides a trustless and decentralized alternative for off-chain data. Also, it provides the infrastructure for decentralized applications to query off-chain data by properly incentivizing miners to provide data.

Berry Data is an oracle system where parties can request the value of an off-chain data point and miners compete to add this value to an on-chain data bank, accessible by all dApps on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The inputs to this data bank are secured by a network of staked miners. BERRY utilizes crypto-economic incentive mechanisms, rewarding honest data submissions by miners and punishing bad actors, through the issuance of Berry’s governance token, BRY, and a dispute mechanism.

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Berry Data
Berry Data Official

Committed to becoming the most widely used oracle on BSC