Object Detection on Your Ubuntu PC with BerryNet

Wei Ning Lu
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2019

Here is a New Year gift for the BerryNet community.

DT42 is committed to making AI technology readily available for everyone. We want to take AI from the ivory towers and make it accessible for all. We have released BerryNet 3, hope to made it very easy for developers and makers to design useful object detection application with Raspberry Pi. However, for those people with only a limited experience in raspberry pi, getting started can be the hardest part. Here, we would like to create a step-by-step guide to install the BerryNet Object Classification on your Linux PC. Now our users don’t have to prepare any specific hardware device just for leveraging AI. (for example:Raspberry Pi, Neural Compute Stick, etc…) You can turn your laptop into an AI device with BerryNet, experience object classification power by AI on your personal computer.

Let’s get started.

[Installation Steps]

To run BerryNet on your Ubuntu PC, here are the steps:

1. Verify that there is a valid camera (for example, built-in webcam in laptop) connected to your computer.

$ file /dev/video0

You will see the following message:

/dev/video0: character special (81/0)

2. Get BerryNet

$ git clone https://github.com/DT42/BerryNet.git $ cd BerryNet 

3. Enable OpenVINO in installation script

Go to BerryNet folder, find configure file.

Open and edit congifure file in word file:


4. Install BerryNet and OpenVINO on PC

$ ./configure

5. Start the demo

$ bash examples/run-openvino-classifier.sh start

6. Setup dashboard

6.1. Open browser and go to the URL http://localhost:8080


6.3. Select the downloaded config file, config/dashboard-ovclassifier.json

7. Now you can see the detection result on screen!

8. Stop the demo

$ bash examples/run-openvino-classifier.sh stop

Visit BerryNet on GitHub to try, only one step installation is required. Build it your own way, use AI to create more interesting applications.

