The Story of the Bertha Club: From Idea to Reality

Bertha Club
Published in
6 min readSep 1, 2023

Have you ever had an idea that just wouldn’t leave your mind? That’s how the Bertha Club started for me. It was just a fleeting thought that I had one day, but as time went on, it grew into something much bigger.

AI-generated art

That day when I wrote the first word in this club’s blueprint, I experienced something indescribable. I remember at that time I was going through a life crossroads — whether to bring back all my thoughts and energy into traditional finance and grow my business there, or gradually shift towards decentralized finance (DeFi). This social club is like a statement for me of a new journey. I believe this journey will be very dreamy with many new experiences, laughter, and fulfilled dreams.

The idea behind the Bertha Club is simple: to create a platform of like-minded individuals who share a passion for social impact and community building. I wanted to build a space where people could come together to collaborate and make a real difference in the DeFi space. I believe that the best way to achieve this is by going through people’s happiness.

Applying what Bankteller created, I think I started something that can become an inspiring example for many others. By using his financial vehicle, from now on we can create new businesses much more effectively! We live in a wonderful time when we can witness innovations that change our normal lives for the better!

Elephant Money

When I started Bertha Club, it was incredibly important for me to receive an acknowledgment from Bankteller, as I consider him to be my DeFi mentor. BT’s intellectual prowess is truly remarkable, and it is a privilege to learn from him and be a part of the Elephant Money community. His creation of this mathematical marvel has opened up new possibilities for all of us, and I am grateful for the opportunities it has provided. I hope this message finds him well, and that he feels the appreciation and respect that we all have for him.

The times when you needed a large pile of cash to start a business are over. In previous articles, I mentioned that Elephant Money will change many people’s habits. Today, all you need is a small portion of that capital to take your first steps.

You need an idea, passion, a few like-minded individuals, and a small initial capital. And that’s it!


Bertha Club is being developed on not-for-profit principles. This is not a place where you come to earn profits, but a place where you come to have a good time. The idea is to gather community members into one pile and dive into adventures and joy together. Whether it’s yacht parties, skiing trips, or mingling at crypto events — we will be everywhere!

The Yacht Week

Planting a business seed

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, finding investment capital when starting a business is a challenge that requires a lot of energy. However, I didn’t need any money to start this club; all I needed was time and a desire to create something bigger. After writing the first few blueprint pages, I realized from others’ reactions that it had the potential to garner enough attention. People began asking about it and expressing their curiosity about what was being created. As a result, we gathered our first club members and created a private Telegram group, expanding it more and more without waiting for anything.

The start

Half a year has passed since the first words were written, and the club has not yet officially started. Why is that? First of all, the club will only be effective at the time when Elephant Money reaches its steady state. The entire club economy is built on the EM ecosystem, so first things first. Attention is currency, so all of it must be focused on what matters most.

And then something amazing happened! Just like in real democracies, everyone’s voice must always be heard. Over time, one of the club members suggested that we start early funding into the club’s treasury. We thought that club NFTs could be airdropped to us when we are ready for the official start, but it would not be bad to take advantage of this time when the ELEPHANT price is rising unstoppably. We talked, and then it became clear that we would go for it!

Continuing on, we created a poll to clarify how we would use the accumulated assets. Without a doubt, the vast majority decided to buy as much ELEPHANT as possible and, when the time comes, diversify our economy more broadly into the EM ecosystem.

Vote in Bertha Club DAO Group

Without further ado, we started early funding. At this point, I would like to draw your attention to the purchase history that you can see in the image below.

On the first day of funding, we raised 20 BNB and purchased slightly over 20 billion ELEPHANT tokens. As the days progressed, we raised more BNB but received fewer ELEPHANT tokens after swapping them. Meanwhile, the price began to rise uncontrollably.

Bertha Club Treasury

Comparing our first and last purchases — the difference is striking.

On the last day of funding, we spent 23.33 BNB and received just over 13 billion ELEPHANT tokens. Do you understand that we spent 3.33 BNB more than the first day, but received almost 7 billion less? Feels like the FOMO is kicking in!

We then set a term for when we will stop collecting these deposits. I wanted to achieve a result where some of the higher-ranking NFTs would remain unsold until the official start. I want this club to have fair chances, so some of them had to remain available to everyone else who discovered the club after the official launch.

The launch should be exciting because we finished our seed phase with a valuation of 35,000 USD and in our treasury, we have 100B ELEPHANT! We have joined the #100B club!

Since 2022, I thought that 100B is a good number if you want to reach a seven-digit USD as soon as possible. If this happens before the official start, the club will begin its activities on steroids!

Bertha Club Treasury


Since the club has completed its seed phase, we will now move on to its development. We plan to start with a merch shop that will be accessible to all club members. Here, we can purchase various accessories or clothing with NFTs representing club members. We will also organize poker tournaments and other community-building activities. This club will be a fun playground that has all the chances of becoming an inspiring example of how to create a good, stress-free, and long-lasting business with Elephant Money!

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