OOPS Concepts in Java

cristy blossom
Besant Technologies
3 min readApr 24, 2019

The object-oriented programming system (Oops) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of “object” that contains the data and methods. The main goal of object-oriented programming is to improve the flexibility and maintainability of the program. Object-oriented programming gathers data and behavior (methods) in one place (the object) makes it easier to understand how to program a path. We’ll go over all Go features in detail so you do not face any Go concept that is difficult to understand.

OOPS, concept:

  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Class
  • Object
  • Methods
  • Messages Passing

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Polymorphism refers to the ability of variables, object or function takes various forms. For example, in English, a verb means to satisfy differently if it makes a laptop, race, ethnicity, and business. Here we understand the meaning of the Qur’an by another word used together with it. The same also applies to polymorphism.


Inheritance is a concept that an object acquires the properties and behavior of the parent object. Let’s make the relationship between the two classes of parents and children. It provides a robust mechanism for organizing the natural structure of the software class.


Encapsulation is a technique of enveloping object-oriented programming code and data. In this concept, go a class variable that is often hidden from other classes. This can only be accessed using the methods of the class that they are now. For example — at school, students may be left with no class.


An abstraction that represents an act of important characteristics without including detailed records. This is the technique of creating a new data type suitable for a specific application. For example, when driving a car, you do not have to worry about your inner workings. Here only attention is needed as part of the steering wheel, gears, accelerators, etc.


The class is a group of similar weight. This is only one component is not logical-physical entities. For example, if you had a class called “expensive car”, you could have an object such as Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, etc. Their properties (data) may accelerate the price or the car was. While the method can be done with the car is triggered, inverted, brake, etc.


An object can be defined as an example of a class and there can not be multiple instances in the class in a program. An object contains data and functions that operate on the data. For example — a chair, a bicycle, progress, the pen, the desk, the car, etc.


A method is a set of statements that perform some specific tasks and return the results to the caller. A method can perform many tasks without returning anything special. The methods allow us to reuse the code without rewriting the code. In Java, each method must be part of a different class of languages, such as C, C ++, and Python.

Message passing:

Objects of communication between them, sending and receiving information among themselves. A message to an object is a request to execute the procedure that will be used on a function object that generates the desired result. Passing messages involves specifying the name of the object, the name of the role, and the information that will be sent.

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