What is Java?

cristy blossom
Besant Technologies
5 min readApr 15, 2019

Java is a programming language, high-level and platform-independent. Java is designed to be used in a distributed environment on the Internet. The Java GUI has features that provide better C language and better “look and feel” C++, and was even easier to use than C ++ and works on the conceptual model of object-oriented programming. Java has enabled us to play online games, video, audio, chat with people from around the world, banking applications, 3D image viewing and shopping. JAVA finds wide use in applications in intranet and e-business solutions than other bases of the company of computation. Java, a language considered the best described in the development plan of an application for the site.


Java technology is also known and allows the software to be designed and written only once so that a “virtual machine” works on different computers, it supports several operating systems such as Windows PC, Macintosh, UNIX, and computers. On the Web side, Java is very popular on the web server and is used by many of the largest interactive sites. Java is used to create applications that can be run on a single computer or distributed over a network. It is also used to build the program based on a small application applet, used more for web pages. Applets allow you to interact with the web page.

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Why is Java popular?

It is difficult to provide a single reason why the Java programming language has become so ubiquitous. However, the main feature of language that have played an important role in its success, including the following components:

The program was created in Java offers portability in the network. The source code is compiled into Java bytecode calls, which can be run on any network, server, or client that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM interprets the byte code of code that will run on the computer’s hardware. In contrast, most programming languages ​​like COBOL or C ++, the code is compiled into a binary file. The binaries are platform-specific, so a program written for an Intel-based Windows machine can not run on a Mac, one, or an IBM-based mainframe device based on Linux. As an alternative interpretation of instruction byte code one at a time, the JVM includes a just-in-time (JIT) compiler option that dynamically computes byte code for executable code. In many cases, the JIT build is faster than the dynamic interpretation of a virtual machine.

Object-oriented Java. An object consists of data such as fields or attributes and code such as procedures or methods. An object can be part of a class of objects to inherit code common to the class. Objects can be considered as “nouns” that a user can say “verbs”. One method is the ability of the object or behavior. Because Java design was influenced by C ++, Java is built primarily as a base-oriented object. Java also uses an automatic garbage collector to manage object lifecycles. A programmer will do the object, but the garbage collector will automatically recover the memory as soon as the object is no longer in use. However, memory leaks may occur when an object that is no longer used is stored in a container.

Code has been established. Unlike programs written in C ++, Java objects contain any reference to a set of external data itself or other known objects. This ensures that a statement is not included in the address data stored in other applications or the operating system itself, which will lead to the program and perhaps the operating system to terminate or crashes. The JVM performs multiple checks on each object to ensure integrity.

The data is secure. Unlike C ++, Java does not use pointers, which can be guaranteed. The data is converted to Java bytecode, it can not read it too. In addition, Java programs will run inside the sandbox to prevent changes from unknown sources.

Applets offer flexibility. In addition to running on the client rather than the server, a Java applet has other features designed to make it run faster.

Java developers can learn quickly. With a C ++ -like syntax, Java is relatively easy to learn, especially for those with C.

A common mistake is that there is an association between Java and JavaScript. Two languages ​​share similarities in syntax, but on the other hand, there are two very different buildings.

Java Platform

The multi-platform combination of hardware or software environment that runs a program. We are recognized by the most popular platform, such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris OS and Macintosh OS. The Java platform differs from other platforms, it is just a software platform that is run based on the other hardware platform.

The Java platform has two components:

• The Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

• The Java application programming interface (API)

Java Virtual Machine is the root of the Java platform and integrated into various hardware platform bases.

API is a vast collection of various software components that provide much more useful functionality to the application. It has been classified as a logical collection of classes that has to do with interfaces; This collection of logic known as packaging.

The main benefits of Java

This is easy for developers to write programs that employ popular pattern design and best practices software that use various components found in Java EE. For example, structures such as JavaServer veins and all kinds of uses of the Java servlet to implement a standard front-end controller design of ordering.

A large part of the Java ecosystem wide variety of open source and community projects, platform software and API. For example, the Apache Foundation hosts a variety of Java written projects, including simple record structures for Java (SLF4J), thread and Hadoop processing structures, developed micro-platform platforms, and platform integration.

Java EE environments can also be used in the cloud. Developers can create, deploy, monitor, and debug Java applications in Google’s scalable cloud at the level.

In regards to the development of mobile telephony, Java is commonly used as a programming language for Android. Java tends to be preferred by Android developers because Java security, object-oriented paradigms, updated and maintained composite features, the use of JVM frameworks for network, I / O, and chaining.

Although Java is widely used, it still has a critical fair. Java syntax is often criticized for being too detailed. In response, some languages ​​have emerged as peripherals to address such wonderful problems. Due to the shape of the internal reference Java objects, the operations and the basic list complex with slow JVM. The Scala language addresses many of the shortcomings of the Java language that reduces its ability to scale.

