Tales from the Tail — Don’t Meth with My Hole

Dr. Evan Goldstein
Bespoke Surgical
Published in
7 min readApr 21, 2020

Client’s Tale.

The other night, I got fucked like I have never been fucked before. The foreplay was just phenomenal and within no time, I was on all fours with his face and fingers up in my ass. With precum dripping from both of our throbbing, rock-solid cocks, I felt absolute euphoria. After fully accepting him, we both lasted quite a long time — longer than I usually do — and we both unloaded with him still inside me. After I caught my breath, I found myself speechless. I have never had such an intimate experience. The only thing I did know with certainty — I wanted it again and again and again. I was hooked.

Over time, we became serious fuck buddies and the more we played, the more I realized:

1. He was using drugs to amplify his sexual experience (what I thought was crystal).

2. He always started with fingering and eating me out real good.

I never said anything about the drugs and I definitely didn’t say anything about the rimming. Who would complain about having their ass eaten for what seemed like hours on end? He clearly loved it all and the sex we had was un-fucking-believable. As time went by, we did develop some sort of relationship beyond just sex and, finally, I felt it was my place to confront him about his suspected drug use. He was up front with me and admitted he loved bringing drugs into the bedroom. I honestly wasn’t too surprised and I was glad he was being honest.

But then the real bombshell hit…

He asked me if I thought our sex was different from sex with anyone else? Was it heightened for me in any way, too?

Fuck yeah, it was! I kept telling him over and over again how I had never had sex with anyone like I was having with him. His initial response was just a smirk. Suddenly, I felt uneasy. I asked him, “Why? Tell me where this is coming from.” He then told me that the reason he always starts by fingering and eating my hole is because he places crystal meth inside me, to amplify both of our pleasures. 😳 “Booty bumping” is what I later found out he was doing all this time.

Honestly, it never even crossed my mind that he was shafting me (another new term I learned for his mischievous act) and that was the reason for our heightened sexual experiences. But once he disclosed this to me, clearly it all made sense. My first reaction was probably not what you would have expected. I’m sure many, if not all, of us would have lost our shit and ended it right then and there. How could someone perform this deceitful act without my consent? Instead, I immediately began to question myself and the drug. Clearly, I knew I liked it, but I also knew there were dangers associated with its usage. So I began doing research to find out more about it because it was all I could think about. I then brought it up during my regular STD and anal pap smear check up with my ass doc, Dr. Evan Goldstein at Bespoke Surgical. We chatted at length and discussed the pros and cons. We shall see where my decisions take me and whoever the fuck may be inside me. For now, I am still getting dusted in my ass from time to time and he’s still my favorite fuck buddy. Go figure.

My Discussion.

Let me start by saying that I do not condone, endorse, or recommend the use of illegal substances, especially to amplify sex. If you’ve followed me long enough, you know that I am not here to judge, but rather to arm you with all the necessary information you need to make informed decisions that help mitigate risk. I am all for whatever gets you off, but I want you to understand how these choices can affect not only your own health, but also the community at large. Another thing I will never waver on is the need for mutual consent. I cannot and will not condone any action, including drug use, that is done without the knowledge of all parties, regardless of how positive the experience may be. To put another person at potential risk, especially without their acknowledgement and consent, is a sexual crime.

That said, amplifying your sexual experiences through drug use is more common than you’d think, especially in the queer community. In this specific situation, my client took a rather unorthodox approach — injecting positivity into the situation because he felt that had his partner not secretly done what he had done, he would have never had such amplified sexual experiences. As he described his orgasmic sensations to me, it was not only clear from the smile on his face that he enjoyed it, but also that he was longing for more and that’s when his inquisitive mind took over.

Although I don’t agree with how he initially responded to the lack of informed consent, I do fully appreciate (dare I say love) that before his next soirée, he chose to come to my office to discuss and analyze all the risks and rewards associated with these types of substances. We are all human and I’m sure the mere curiosity has crossed some of our minds at one point or another. It’s okay to wonder what this must feel like. That said, time and time again, I witness the destructive nature these drugs can have, wreaking havoc on not only the individual’s everyday life, but also the lives of everyone associated with them.

Many people cannot just dabble and before you can even blink, these substances cause irreparable harm and damage. And if you’re lucky enough to be able to kick the habit, which most can’t, you’ll find yourself in a vicious cycle yearning for sex that’s amped up. Its brain alterations, though initially psychedelic, create addiction that is extremely hard to kick.

Lets go over the rectal application of drugs first and then I will discuss all potential risks (and I will be very forthcoming on its potential devastation).

The anal and rectal canal is so vascular that the absorption of anything in this area is quite rapid. This is why many prescribed drugs have rectal route options as well. Things like enemas, suppositories, etc. are all administered rectally, but the effects are noted throughout our body, otherwise known as “systemic”. Because of this, people need to be extremely cautious with dosing (once administered, you can’t take it back).

Besides the actual risks specific to using crystal, you are also unknowingly placing yourself into situations that add to potential further harm. There’s a higher risk of STDs, as well as serious anal injuries, especially because your inhibitions are lowered. This means you may be more willing to explore increasingly risky acts like double penetration, fisting, group sex, and/or anal play that lasts for hours. Clearly, there is a lot to discuss on this topic, worthy of its own conversation.

Understanding the multitude of concerns allows hopefully for better decision making. These include:

  1. Consent is a must for all parties involved.
  2. Choose trusted partners wisely.
  3. Lay out a game plan, play-by-play, so everyone involved is not only on the same page, but also in agreement.
  4. Safe spaces are recommended, along with making sure everyone understands the game plan if the situation becomes dire.
  5. Understand the use of prophylaxis and/or preventative medicines to minimize everyone’s risk, like PrEP (decreasing the chances of getting HIV), TaSP (decreasing the chances of transmitting HIV), doxycycline (minimizing the transmission of some STDs), and Valtrex (herpes prevention), among others.
  6. Use toys for pre-dilation and lubrication to make sure, before you fully open up for your partner(s), there is a controlled relaxation of your anal muscles. Just shoving it in leads to tearing and local injury, and when substances are being used, your pain receptors are clearly diminished. The goal is to achieve pleasure without any negative repercussions.
  7. In the beginning stages, undergo more frequent STD screenings and anal examinations with your primary doctor to make sure you isolate any diseases that you may have contracted, as well as to constantly evaluate for any negative consequences. Prevention is always key, especially with higher-risk sexual play, and having open dialogues and conversations is paramount to its success.

I know — there’s a lot to think about and I want to thank my client for not only sharing their personal story, but also for seeking out a sexual health professional to help guide him through his journey. Life presents us with many different experiences and it’s critical to first analyze all the positive and negative ramifications, along with any potential risks. Sexual health education should encompass a supportive environment for all cummers, without judgement. This is key to successful engagements.

Don’t forget to stay in touch on Instagram: me, Bespoke Surgical, and Future Method.

