How To Make Every Destination You Visit Exciting

Susan L. Schwartz
Best Bits Worldwide
3 min readApr 10, 2017
La Serenissima in all her glory!

I think I need to begin with this simple phrase — manage your expectations!

If you can’t find one, and I mean, one worthwhile thing from any place in this world, then you haven’t done your research. As I said before, it’s all about managing those damn expectations.

Only in Venice — A Masterpiece of the Baroque by Paolo Veronese — The Feast in the House of Levi

If I hear one more person say that Venice is dirty, smelly, touristy and/or cheesy — I will explode. If that is all you see, then you certainly have made no attempt to look beneath the surface. This tiny town was built on water about a million years ago, became a world power, conquering most of it, absolutely gorgeous and one of a kind. Don’t like the tourists in August, well don’t go in August. Don’t like the smell, when then walk past it. After that tirade, I do understand how it might not be your thing.

My advice is know what you’re in for, before buying that ticket and, remember, everything is subjective. Keeping with Venice for a second: if your mate says, Venice is the greatest place on Earth.”

Think to yourself…”Hmm, this Venice he speaks of — I think i’ll google that place. Ah, It’s in Italy — well, I ’m not a great fan of spaghetti. Hmm, a lot of people visit and I’m claustrophobic, it’s full of stairs and I don’t like to walk, I hate boats, old stuff makes me sneeze, etc” I think you get me. Then maybe Venice is not for you and you will most likely be disappointed when all you’re served is pasta on a crowded boat which you had to walk to.

Don’t like pasta, try the pizza — they invented it!

Similarly, you read about a Roman ruin found in the middle of a field in the wilds of the UK. Maybe you should think to yourself, before you plunk down the £2 to visit the site, “Am I going to get what I want out of this?”

If it’s just one piece of a mosaic floor and that doesn’t do it for you — then get back in your car and head to Stonehenge or Skara Brae. However, some of you will be say, “Wow — the Romans were here and they actual had a floor and decorated it with these ancient tiles whose blues and greens and reds were all colors created by stuff they found in the earth….” Again, I’m sure know where I’m going with this.

So don’t let any destination get you down — read blogs, peruse a few guide books, ask around and get ready to never be disappointed again!

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Susan L. Schwartz
Best Bits Worldwide

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