Writing on Medium: Tips and Tricks for Success

Irmantas Baltrušaitis
Best Blog In The World
3 min readDec 29, 2023

Want to become a successful writer on Medium? Look no further! This guide is packed with tips and tricks to help you master the art of writing on Medium.

If you’re looking to become a successful writer on Medium, you’ve come to the right place. This guide is filled with valuable tips and tricks that will help you master the art of writing on Medium and increase your chances of success on the platform. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced writer, there’s something here for everyone. So let’s dive in and discover how to write on Medium like a pro.

Find your niche and target audience

One of the key factors to success on Medium is finding your niche and targeting the right audience. With millions of articles being published on the platform, it’s important to stand out and offer something unique to your readers. Take some time to explore different topics and genres, and identify the ones that align with your interests and expertise. Once you’ve found your niche, focus on creating content that will resonate with your target audience. This will not only help you attract more readers, but also build a loyal following who will eagerly await your next article.

Write compelling headlines to grab readers’ attention

The headline of your article is the first thing readers will see, so it’s crucial to make it compelling and attention-grabbing. A strong headline can make all the difference in whether someone clicks on your article or scrolls past it. To create a compelling headline, try using power words, asking a thought-provoking question, or promising a solution to a problem. Additionally, make sure your headline accurately reflects the content of your article to avoid misleading readers. By crafting a compelling headline, you’ll increase the chances of attracting readers and getting your article noticed on Medium.

Use a conversational tone and storytelling techniques

When writing on Medium, it’s important to engage your readers and make them feel like they’re having a conversation with you. Using a conversational tone can help create a connection and make your writing more relatable. Additionally, incorporating storytelling techniques can make your articles more engaging and memorable. Consider using anecdotes, personal experiences, or relatable examples to illustrate your points and captivate your audience. By using a conversational tone and storytelling techniques, you’ll be able to create compelling and impactful content that resonates with your readers on Medium.

Utilize formatting options like bullet points and subheadings

When writing on Medium, it’s important to make your content visually appealing and easy to read. Utilizing formatting options like bullet points and subheadings can help break up your text and make it more scannable for readers. Bullet points can be used to highlight key points or list items, while subheadings can help organize your content and make it easier to navigate.

Engage with the Medium community by reading and commenting on other articles

One of the best ways to become a successful writer on Medium is to engage with the community. This means not only publishing your own articles, but also taking the time to read and comment on other articles. By doing this, you can build relationships with other writers and gain exposure to their audiences. Additionally, leaving thoughtful comments can help you establish yourself as a knowledgeable and engaged member of the Medium community. So, make it a habit to read and comment on articles that interest you, and you’ll start to see the benefits in terms of increased visibility and engagement with your own writing.

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Irmantas Baltrušaitis
Best Blog In The World

Bachelor degree of Maths and Computing. Master degree of Education Management. 13+ years of experience in education field. Also, I like cars and photography.