Remote Location Tracking of Cell Phones — Is It Possible?

Ashley Ferrara
Best Cell Phone Spy Apps
5 min readDec 23, 2021
Remote Location Tracking of Cell Phones — Is It Possible?

Before the digital age, almost everything’s done manually — from communication to meet-ups to running errands to overseeing operations. Things may seem to be a lot easier now but like any other good stuff, technology also has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Cell phones, for instance, are significantly valuable technological innovations. However, there are certain dangers and consequences when these compact devices are taken for granted or used for malicious or selfish reasons.

Due to the possible risks brought by mobile devices, phone monitoring has become a thing among users. Some do it to monitor their kids’ whereabouts, some track company-issued devices to ensure high-quality outputs, and some use this process in the hopes of locating a lost or stolen device. Whatever your reason is, you must proceed with extreme caution. Read on to learn more about how to track someone’s location with a phone number.

Locating Someone Remotely Using a Software

Remote Location Tracking of Cell Phones — Is It Possible?

There are certain ways on how to track a cell phone location for free such as getting in touch with your network carrier, conducting an online hunt, or filing a formal complaint to the authorities. Note, however, that free doesn’t always necessarily mean best. Sure, there are success stories, but you’d usually need to first exert a lot of effort and/or spend a lot of time before achieving desirable results.

So if you’re looking for a cost-efficient and hassle-free way on how to track someone’s location with their phone number, a trusted and reliable phone spy software is your best shot.

  • What is Spy Software?

Spy software or often referred to as spyware is a type of software that enables users to remotely monitor target devices. Such apps are usually programmed to be compatible with any iOS and Android device, to work well on stealth mode, to capture all online and offline phone activities, and to feed real-time updates. Some examples of exquisitely designed premium spy apps that you can trust and rely on are Auto Forward, Highster Mobile, PhoneSpector, DDI Utilities, Easy Spy, and TurboSpy.

  • How Does a Phone Number Lookup Work?

Spy apps offer advanced monitoring features and modern tracking solutions through the use of cutting-edge technologies. Thanks to their multi-layered algorithms and codes, such programs showcase streamlined and automated processes, allowing hassle-free monitoring. These are designed to work stealthily in the target phone’s background, acquiring information without compromising any other installed or running app. All collated data will be transmitted through a virtual connection that links the monitored device and the software’s servers. Users will then be able to remotely track, view, access, or control the phone using a web-based panel dashboard.

  • How to Use a Spy Software?

The process of tracking devices might vary depending on the spy app you choose to use, as well as the package or level of monitoring you wish to avail of. Generally, though, it only takes three quick and easy steps for you to start locating a specific phone.

  1. Purchase and Download. Select and subscribe to the plan that you think could best cater to your needs and preference. Settle any required fees and follow the download instructions usually sent via email.
  2. Activate and Set Up. Once installed, you’d still be asked to fully activate the software through a unique license key that’s usually emailed separately. You may then set up and customize your account settings.
  3. Log-In and Track. Once everything’s set up, log into your dashboard using the ID and password you used upon subscription or using the credentials provided by the software admin. You may then start tracking the device’s locations, as well as any other phone activities.
  • What Data Can be Found in Generated Reports

Spy apps — especially the premium ones — showcase a robust collection of monitoring and tracking features that are capable of acquiring and generating a myriad of valuable information. Here are some of the many details you get to find in the generated reports.

  • Current and previous GPS locations
  • Sent and received SMS/MMS messages
  • Incoming and outgoing call logs
  • Saved contacts, notes, and calendar events
  • Uploaded and downloaded multimedia files
  • Social media activities
  • Web search history

Other Ways of Tracking Phone Locations

Aside from using location tracker spyware, here are some other ways on how to track a cell phone location for free or for a minimum fee.

  • Social Networking Platforms

Using the phone number associated with the device in question, initiate a phone number reverse search on major social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. This will show any available account linked to the number and from there, you can browse through posts or activities in an attempt to locate the cell phone.

  • Open-Source Search Engines

Similar to social media, you can also use open-source web search engines such as Google in running a reverse phone number lookup. Simply type in the phone digits in the search bar, then browse through the search results until you find some clues that could lead you to the target cell phone.

  • GPS Tracking Tools/ Programs/Devices

Most cellphones have a built-in location tracking feature so provided that it’s enabled, you can easily track your personal device or somebody else’s phone. Android’s Find My Device and Apple’s Find My, for instance, allow you to pinpoint the GPS locations of the phone, as well as to remotely ring it and wipe the data.

  • Phone Companies/Network Carriers

You might also want to push your luck and reach out to your phone companies and/or network carriers. Some of them actually have device tracking services in place that you can utilize as part of your plan subscription or for an additional charge. If you have the phone’s serial code or IMEI number, you could provide it to customer support as these unique identifiers can greatly help in tracking the device.

  • Phone Search Engine

A phone search engine is a web-based platform that enables users to acquire all relevant and valuable information relating to a phone number just by typing in the digits in the search. Reverse phone lookup sites basically work like any other open-source web search engine. But since such sites such as Kiwi Searches and ClickSearch are specifically programmed for phone numbers, you can expect faster services and higher quality of outputs. A phone number reverse search report usually includes basic personal details, other contact information, education and/or employment background, online accounts, criminal history, and all other publicly available records.

