How Local Government Can Utilize Cloud-Based Citizen Engagement Software

In an age where technology increases civic engagement, local governments can effectively leverage cloud-based software to better serve their communities. Here are five steps to implement a robust online citizen engagement platform.

1. Set Up the Online Engagement Platform on Your Website

After acquiring government management software through federal funding, integrating citizen engagement tools directly into your website is essential. This integration allows constituents to navigate to their local .gov URL and efficiently report non-emergency issues. By filling out a digital form, relevant government officials can access reported concerns promptly, streamlining response times and improving service delivery.

2. Implement Your Citizen Engagement Mobile Application

The convenience of a mobile application cannot be overstated. With report-a-concern software paired with a citizen engagement app, constituents can report concerns and non-emergency situations in real-time from their mobile devices. This accessibility allows community members to immediately report hazards, ensuring that their submissions are geo-tagged for easy identification by government employees.

citizen engagement mobile application

3. Inform Your Constituents

Awareness is key to effective engagement. Citizens must know their voices can be heard by important government officials. Utilize email blasts, newsletters, or public announcements to inform constituents about the available online reporting tools. Encourage them to visit the local government website or download the mobile app to report notable issues, fostering a more engaged community.

4. Take Action

As citizen engagement increases, so does the need for prompt action. The software will automatically sort incoming concerns and assign them to the appropriate department or personnel. This efficient processing eliminates the outdated methods of handling complaints, allowing departments to track and resolve issues in real time. Each concern will be timestamped, providing an online record that includes ongoing status updates for both the relevant department and the concerned citizen.

5. Collect Data

The data gathered through report-a-concern software is invaluable for various local government departments. Utilizing mapping software, officials can pinpoint where issues or code violations were reported, enabling constituents to track government progress through the mobile app. Additionally, cross-department communication is enhanced, as all departments can analyze data collectively to address ongoing issues. Understanding citizen engagement trends — such as the most frequently reported problems — can inform budget allocation and decision-making processes that directly impact the community.



Community Engagement Platform | 311 CRM Solution | Civic Engagement
Community Engagement Platform | 311 CRM Solution | Civic Engagement

Published in Community Engagement Platform | 311 CRM Solution | Civic Engagement

Civita App is a mobile engagement application that lessens the friction between community members and local governments, utility districts, and organizations. We make it easy for you to reach your community members & keep the community happy with the effortless interface.


Written by Mathew

Entrepreneur | Speaker | Love to Help Small Business Owners |