Importance of Adopting an Online Community Engagement Platform

In our digital era, online community engagement brings added dimensions and benefits to decision making, building trust between governments and citizens and empowering community ownership in the shared responsibility for improving services, projects and programs.

Why Online Community engagement platform is important?

Online Community engagement is important and It can lead to improved outcomes for communities when government organizations and public decision-making entities seek out the aspirations, concerns and values of communities, who, in turn, share their aspirations, concerns and values with governing entities. Incorporated into decision-making processes, public decision makers are better informed and better able to meet community needs.

Establishing long standing, effective partnerships between government organizations and communities, too, results in a greater sense of community ownership and an improved uptake of services as they are tailored to the unique aspirations of the community.

Five main benefits of adopting community engagement platform

1.Citizen satisfaction

Online engagement satisfies the public’s desire to have an easy way to share community members opinion. By publicly displaying their contributions can foster feelings of efficacy and being heard by government.

2.Increase citizen engagement with government

An online engagement platform provided by the municipality will direct interested citizens to this platform and increase your audience. Once people become accustomed to engaging with the municipality, they will be much more inclined to participate in the future.

3.Improve Trust

Trust is important for the success of many government policies, programs, and regulations that depend on cooperation and compliance of citizens. The real value of an online stakeholder community is the ability to have a two-way dialogue with those stakeholders. These interactions help governments relate directly to thousands of citizens and stakeholders at a time, across multiple forms of media that provide both quantitative and qualitative insights.


The online platform can be used to explore an unlimited number of additional issues in the future, and to build a larger online community that will routinely engage with the municipality on new and emerging initiatives. In line with recent open government initiatives, the municipality can rapidly share the information, adding value for all residents, as well as for management and council.

5.Cost effective

Online engagement not only helps focus your engagement dollars, but also allows your communications staff to focus their efforts into one platform, using your other communications tools to direct the public to that platform online.

Choose the best online community engagement platform

By Civita App, people can reports include photos, comments, descriptions, suggestions and additional information relevant to the issues. Community members can evaluate received reports, problems, suggestions, and observations, and approves or rejects submissions for public viewing.

Take a look at our Online Community Engagement Platform with the City of Ontario, California in Spring 2018. Since its release, the myOntario app (iOS / Android) has proven to be a huge success for the city, allowing better interaction between the city and its citizens.

If you want to know more about Civita App or try it for yourself, contact us and Book a free demo.

