B Corp Community Spotlight: Carbon Credit Capital LLC

Best for NYC


We heard from Reed Shapiro, Director of Business Development, about the company’s goals and experience with the B Impact Assessment.

What Matters Most to Us

“Providing an opportunity for anybody and everybody to make real emissions cuts to their carbon footprint. That’s our number one priority. Many offset providers seem to be all about the big business, but we see the problem beyond that. You can’t just tend to the top couple thousands of businesses in the world; there are millions of businesses in the world.”

What We Learned

We learned that we really had to think through what types of benefits we are providing for our workers and communities and about the potential for our impact to transform lives through the types of companies we work with. We now feel we have a better understanding of the web of impact and how scaling the company can increase the positive impact we are working toward, depending on the projects we take on.”

Features/Improvements We Are Looking Forward To

“We want to scale our company and our impact. We want to be at the nexus of circular production, where the things that are produced are helping to mitigate their own negative environmental impact. We want to see carbon neutrality reached across all businesses and all sectors.”

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