Meet the Specialists: Workers, Community & Environment

B Lab
3 min readApr 15, 2015


The Best for the World lists honor companies that are top performers among B Corporations — specifically, those that score in the top 10% of the over 1,200 companies that are B Corp certified. Attention often focuses on the honorees that make the Overall list — that is, those B Corps with the highest overall scores (out of 200, with 80 being the minimum to be certified).

Not sure what a B Corp is? Take two minutes to watch this.

But equally worthy of attention are those honored in the other three categories: Environment, Communities, and Workers. These companies excel in particular areas, innovating new products, services, and practices to improve their impact on people & the planet. They’re well-rounded, too — many feature on multiple lists, and all passed the bar to be B Corps. Let’s get to know them a little better.

Best for the Environment

Companies that made the Best for Environment create a healthier planet by taking the lead in advancing renewable energy usage, reducing carbon footprints, and developing low-waste products.

The 116 Best for the Environment companies come from 41 different industries — from manufacturing and software development to sewerage and agriculture. 27% of honorees are based outside the US, with companies operating in emerging markets such as Brazil, Kenya, and Colombia.

Best For the Environment Honorees include Natura, a Brazilian personal care company and the largest Certified B Corporation; well-known cleaning product brands Method Products and Seventh Generation; and North Carolina based WasteZero, which works with more than 800 towns and cities around the country to reduce the amount of municipal solid waste that is landfilled and burned. Meet all 116 honorees here.

Best for Communities

To be Best for Communities, B Corps support non-profit and charitable organizations, create Fair Trade supply chains to alleviate poverty, and innovate through diversity & inclusion. These are the companies that go above & beyond to serve people — even and especially people who don’t work for them.

The 114 Best for Communities companies come from 46 different industries such as transportation, financial services and engineering. 39% of honorees are based outside the US, including emerging markets like Afghanistan, Colombia, and Vietnam.

The 2015 Best For Communities honorees include Roshan, Afghanistan’s leading telecommunications company; California’s Beneficial State Bank, a triple-bottom-line, community development financial institution; Echale a Tu Casa, a social housing production company in Mexico; and Oregon’s A to Z Wineworks. Meet the rest here.

Best for Workers

The Best for Workers honorees go above and beyond in terms of providing comprehensive benefits and wellness programs, paying living wages, and creating opportunities for employee ownership and professional development.

The 98 Best for Workers companies come from 31 different industries such as insurance, construction, and healthcare. 35% of honorees are based outside the US, with companies operating in emerging markets such as Chile, Ghana, and Venezuela.

2015 Best For Workers Honorees include Cooperative Home Care Associates, a worker-owned cooperative based in the Bronx; Venezuelan biotechnology firm ETAVENCA; America’s oldest flour brand King Arthur Flour; and Kansas-based MAX Insurance. Meet everyone else here.



B Lab

B Lab is the nonprofit that certifies B Corporations, companies using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. #BTheChange