Niamh Argyle: You can steer yourself any direction you choose

Pencils of Promise
Best in Class: Featured Campaigners
2 min readJun 23, 2015

Meet Niamh Argyle, a high school student who is bikeriding across the U.S. this summer to raise money for PoP.

Often when people hear about Pencils of Promise, they’ll ask us how they can get involved. Sometimes, though, there are individuals already taking part in incredible initiatives who seek us out, as they want to incorporate PoP into the wonderful things they’re doing.

Take Niamh Argyle, for example. Just finishing her sophomore year of high school at Noble and Greenough School in Massachusetts, Niamh was in the midst of training to bike ride across America this summer. On top of that already impressive feat, she decided to use the opportunity to raise money for a cause that she felt passionate about, global education.

Niamh came across PoP while looking for a nonprofit that focused on children’s education in developing countries and was taken with PoP’s mission from the start.

“Adam Braun’s story felt very familiar to me, as I have also seen poverty up close in my own travels. I have been lucky enough to travel to 33 countries and my family was based in Asia with my Dad’s job for 5 years. This gave me the opportunity to explore different cultures around the world but primarily throughout Asia, where I visited schools and orphanages in India, Myanmar and Malaysia.”

As she bikes from Charleston, SC to Los Angeles, CA, she’ll be utilizing this challenge to raise money for PoP by asking for sponsorship from her family, friends and school; her goal is to eventually raise $25,000 and fund a full school. She also recently participated in a charity fair at her high school and hopes to start a PoP club in the near future.

“I like that PoP is still at a size where one person can still make a difference. I would really like to be able to give another child the chance for an education and a better future.”

Niamh’s favorite quote is from Dr. Seuss: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” As Niamh embarks on this incredible adventure, we’ll be sending her luck and support from NYC while she steers herself across the country!


Our PoP family is always growing. We’d love for you to join us.

Visit Niamh’s campaign page:



Pencils of Promise
Best in Class: Featured Campaigners

Pencils of Promise provides life-changing education to kids around the world.