Experiencing PlayStation Experience SEA 2017

Sammy Chan
Best In Slot
Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2017

10/10 would attend again next year!

Photo credit: Sammy Chan

PlayStation Experience SEA 2017 happened last Saturday and we took a trip down to Kuala Lumpur to attend it. As we were approaching the venue, we could already see a stream line of people lining up. I kid you not, the line was so long it ran along the main road and it was only 7:30am. Walking into KL Live Centre’s lobby, we see a small crowd of people waiting in a fenced area. These were the dedicated fans who came a the night before the event to camp, some came as early as 11 pm. It felt pretty amazing to see fellow PlayStation fans who were this dedicated.

Pass and entrance

Photo credit: Crystabelle Naidu

There were two different type of passes the general public can obtain, the normal free admission or the priority pass. Lucky for me, I had a priority pass and did not need to queue up the night before. Nevertheless, I still had to queue in the priority pass lane and after 2 hours, we were finally able to enter the venue. It was as if we entered a portal to a dark dimension because that floor was literally dark. I was feeling pretty hyped upon entering, making a beeline for the nearest game station. I tried out a few games with my favourite being Detroit: Become Human. The floor was still more or less empty since still since only priority pass holders were let in.

Presentions and performance

The hall slowly began to fill to the point where we were just sardines in a can. Kazunori Yamauchi kick started the event with the first presentation of the day featuring Gran Turismo Sports. He talked about GT Sports being the first game ever to be produced in True HDR and showed off the Photo Mode that was pretty impressive. He also mentioned that the game’s online feature is going to be international. Coincidentally, it was also his birthday so the host presented him with a gigantic cake and everyone in the crowd sang “Happy Birthday” to him.

Image via PlayStation Asia
Image via PlayStation Asia

I’m sure most of us here frequent the Taiko machine whenever we hit up the local arcade. The popular arcade game is getting its very own PlayStation 4 port and the producer herself, Ayano Ueda, delivered the news. The top Taiko player in Malaysia came on stage shortly after and they challenged each other to a 1 v 1. The host then invited three other people from the crowd to join in the fun. Everyone walked away with a goodie bag. Check out this Magikarp guy, spotted him way earlier during the queues too. I bet he had a splash-ing good time.

Image via PlayStation Asia
Image via PlayStation Asia

Next, Tomoaki Ayano and Kansuke Sakurai had a battle on stage with their Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite war presentation. And Malaysia’s very own presented Final Fantasy XV’s VR fishing after Monster Hunter: World. In the midst of it, a loud cheer broke out near the exit — someone had won a PlayStation 4 Pro from the Lucky Dip and it wasn’t me! :(

Monster Hunter: World — the show stopper

Monster Hunter’s presentation was hands down. The. Best! The producer himself, Ryozo Tsujimoto, presented the gameplay on stage and it was glorious. This presentation was a show stopper. Fans were cheering and gasping through the whole thing. I personally can’t wait to play this game next year. Tsujimoto-san showcased how the hunter tracked a monster named Anjana down. The whole process looked really intricate and just simply amazing.

Image via PlayStation Asia
Image via PlayStation Asia

Moving forward from PlayStation Experience SEA 2017

Finally, here’s a big shout out to PlayStation for holding PlayStation Experience SEA in Malaysia, please come back again! Hopefully, next year will be bigger and better! Definitely need a bigger venue and maybe charge for admission? Since I did spend most of the time lining up to try stuff than actually getting to try stuff. Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun and I’m sure everyone else (who got to go in) did too. For more pictures of the event you can check out our Facebook page or PlayStation Asia Facebook page.



Sammy Chan
Best In Slot
Editor for

The keyboard is my controller at work ;)