One Spicy American Series to Enjoy This Summer

Who remembers a delicious Nanny, and her crazy family?

Roxana Anton
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2021


Source: Pixabay

For a long time, I searched for something, or somebody, to be good company, relax, and enjoy.

I am longing for healing activities, and relaxation is a very important highlight in my life.

In such a challenging, agitated, confusing world, people need things that bring them deep peace, and self-acceptance.

One of these things is meditation and prayer in a community, but I won’t be speaking about this today.

Instead, I want to “recommend” an American TV series from the Nineties, that helps regain force, balance, relaxation, and a good dose of humor and self-acceptance.

I am speaking about the American TV show “The Nanny”, filmed between 1993 and 1999.

The show has six seasons and is starring Fran Drescher as Fran Fine, a Jewish hilarious fashionista from New York, trying to play a modern femme fatale but getting herself into lots of trouble.

She becomes by accident the nanny of three children from the New York-British high society.

This series might be exactly what you need if you are on a summer relaxing holiday.



Roxana Anton

I love Spirituality, Poetry, Movies. Poet, Author, Translator, Thinker.