REVIEW | DUNE (2021)

The Cinema Sympathiser.


Now synonymous with another four-letter word — EPIC!
An enthralling take on Frank Herbert’s enduring sci-fi novel.

As galactic nations struggle to seize control of a uniquely and resourcefully rich planet called Arrakis, Paul Atreides must face the trials of a leader to prove himself a worthy Duke of his family — the House of Atreides — while bearing the burden of inheriting both sovereign and supernatural powers.

*Minor spoilers for DUNE ahead*

Although some would consider this film to be the closest we’ll ever get to a western Final Fantasy movie (specifically similar to 2016’s Kingsglaive), I think the more relevant comparison to make would be that DUNE is the sci-fi equivalent of The Silmarillion.

I know… a brave (and possibly sacrilegious) comparison to make.

But just as we dove head-first into Middle Earth to learn about Rivendell, the Uruk-Hai, and Khazad-dûm — you can expect DUNE to welcome you into the universe of the House Atreides, Sardaukars, the Bene Gesserit, and so much more.

And like the famous Peter Jackson film trilogy, it’ll take more than one movie to contain the grand scale that this film has to offer. To put it simply, Denis Villeneuve’s DUNE is technically a crash-course, foundational film to lay the groundwork for what’s to come.

Kind of like establishing the Infinity Stones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe — but that doesn’t mean this movie pulls its punches.

Considering the exceptional design and attention to detail that has gone into this adaptation, I can confidently say that there isn’t anything out there that can properly prepare you for the sights, sounds, and depth that awaits you in this movie.

With larger-than-life events, earth-shattering visuals, and an arresting plot to tie it all together — DUNE ensures that you’ll be drunk with awe and curiosity from its comprehensive lore and imaginative landscapes by the end of your viewing.

And speaking of visuals, you can rest assured that every sensory aspect of the movie has been taken care of when it comes to inviting and immersing the audience into this complex yet compelling new world.

It’s an experience that combines a score that transports you to another world, cinematography that brings out the best of every scene, and amazing action sequences that match the grand scale of the source material (and I don’t just mean the patented Sandworm).

Needless to say, this is a revolutionary revitalisation of an iconic sci-fi story for the modern era. All of which is partially expected from its proven and passionate director.

Coming off the heels of directing an arguably perfect sequel, Blade Runner 2049 (2017), it’s no surprise that Denis Villeneuve’s directorial vision and execution in adapting Frank Herbert’s sci-fi masterpiece would be nothing short of impeccable.

Delivering a cinematic monument that breathes vibrant and reverberating life into the timeless space odyssey.

From the elaborate costumes, to the exceptional casting, and even the exquisite production design — Denis Villeneuve and Co. wastes none of the 155-minute runtime to sink your feet deep into the universe of DUNE, the politics of its empire, and the customs of every faction.

In other words: you won’t be able to avert your eyes, you won’t be able to get enough of it, and you won’t wanna miss anything that comes after.

In short, you could loosely summarise 2021’s DUNE as a movie that blends the unapologetic sophistication of Macbeth, the expansive world of The Lord of the Rings, and the sci-fi mysticism of Star Wars.

Or, just say it’s a sci-fi epic that’s filled with warlords, witches, and wastelands. Either way, it’s safe to say that you won’t have anything to fear when going to watch this movie —

— and not because “Fear is the mind-killer”.



The Cinema Sympathiser.

Because the only thing separating a movie from being the perfect film — is the audience. |