Announcing Dorm Room Fund’s Investment in TEQ Charging

Monica Shi
2 min readMar 10, 2017


Dorm Room Fund is excited to announce our investment in TEQ Charging, a startup that is increasing the efficiency and affordability of electric vehicle (EV) charging.

Right now, there aren’t enough EV charging stations to serve growing demand due to the high cost of stations. TEQ Charging has created a smart, low-cost power management platform that reduces the cost of charger hardware and install for property managers and provides a seamless experience for drivers. Their proprietary power queuing technology increases power line capacity, allowing for multiple charging stations to be installed on the same power line. Power is efficiently allocated from one car to the next throughout the day, which is optimized based on requested departure time. As a result, TEQ has reduced the required hardware per parking spot by 90% and increased the capacity of each power line by 4–6x.

Meet the Team

Isaac (left) and Dorrier (right)

Isaac (CEO) is a mechanical engineering major at Georgia Tech and has previous experience at GE Aviation. Dorrier (CTO) recently graduated Georgia Tech with a computer engineering degree with experience at Ericsson under his belt. Isaac and Dorrier got TEQ off the ground at the Georgia Tech Startup Lab and recently went through Techstars’ IoT accelerator. The DRF team was impressed by the team’s depth of technical expertise, unique software focus, and long-term vision for both TEQ and the EV charging space.

Recent Pilot

TEQ just installed their first pilot system at a Bed and Breakfast in Atlanta and are operating on two different types of charging stations. Next on the list for pilots are some large hotels in Charlotte, as well as a few cities in Florida.

We’re excited to invest in our first Georgia Tech startup, and are looking forward to further strengthening our relationship with the Atlanta startup community!

Learn more about TEQ Charging by visiting their website here. TEQ is also in the process of raising a seed round of investment. If interested, reach out to

We are dedicated to supporting student founders across the country and help them reach new heights. Working on a startup? Get in touch on twitter or here.



Monica Shi

currently @mckinsey; previously @lyft, @google, @dormroomfund, @princeton