10 Astounding Facts About Food Waste That Will Make You Want to Change the World

Patria Taylor
Best of Everyday Food
1 min readOct 18, 2017


According to the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), high-income countries tend to waste food at the consumer and retail level, like when we toss out a half-eaten burger or a grocery store unnecessarily throws out “expired” food. On the other hand, developing regions see food lost on the production level due to spoilage, a lack of modern transport and harvesting limitations.

Luckily, food waste is one of the planet’s easier dilemmas to solve. While challenging, the solution will be more about changing people’s mindsets than creating over-complicated, high-tech answers.

And, here are top 10 astounding facts about food waste you should know…

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