17 July 2014 — Shake it baby

Doesn’t matter if it’s bad as long as it makes me smile

Sarah Eades
Best Part Of My Day 


Today’s #BMOTD is all about dancing. I did it twice today, once at work and again at home with the almost 2-year-old. It made me laugh, giggle, sweat and generally feel all warm and fuzzy about the world.

Dancing is so much fun, and I’m openly a terrible dancer but I love it. I love the freedom, the feeling of being totally free with your body. Moving to music, even bad or cheesy music is so much fun.

I forget sometimes what a great thing dancing is and how much I love it. I must do it more.

Dancing you made my day happier. See you again soon.



Sarah Eades
Best Part Of My Day 

general noise and trouble maker. Artist and writer of all things.