Tuesday 5 August
Finding a Silver lining

Sarah Eades
Best Part Of My Day 
2 min readAug 5, 2014


Or enjoying the rain but not getting wet!

Today was not a great day, people were mean and egotistical which are the two things that I just cannot stand. I can’t see any reason for people not to treat others with the respect they would expect to get.

So it’s hard to think of the BPOMD today. When all my head can do is hold onto those negative moments that seemed to consumer the day.

Ironically, when I reflect on the best moment I had it was in direct relation to this though. I had the chance to respond to the mean-ness thrown at me in the same way. To bite back and I knew that I could bite hard if I really wanted to and make my point abundantly clear. It would hurt.

I decided not to. I decided to try and be the better person, to be professional and respectful rather than mean spirited. Even though they treated me like dirt, I treated them as I would have wanted to be treated. This didn’t mean that I backed down. I clearly made my point and put my foot down. But I did it in a positive manner that I hope showed that I am no easy target but I won’t be brought down to the low level that others had provided such an easy landing place for me to fall into.

I realise now that this is a sign that I have changed professionally over the last couple of years. I am much more able to hide my emotions and take on these challenges and am really proud of myself for doing that. In my earlier days I would have gone red, shook when I was speaking because I was angry, and found it very hard to talk without it being obvious how upset I was. For me to be able to sit in a room and speak to someone I would prefer to beat with my shoe is a real skill I have developed.

So the #BPOMD was not only keeping my cool when surrounded by evil spirited people, but also finding the silver lining on a day I would have otherwise liked to forget. Not often I would say I am proud of MYSELF. But today is one of them.



Sarah Eades
Best Part Of My Day 

general noise and trouble maker. Artist and writer of all things.