BVOP Certified Project Manager Review

BVOP Certified Project Manager is a recognition earned after successfully passing a completely online certification exam on the website of the certification body Business Value-Oriented Principles Ltd. (

The interesting element of this project management certification program is that it utilizes its own management and business methodology. BVOP stands for Business Value-Oriented Principles. This is an Agile method that spreads beyond the field of normal project management and combines multiple modern best practices, guidance, and systems.

The BVOP Certified Project Manager document

BVOP is a management style created by Business Value-Oriented Principles Ltd in 2018. The company has issued its BVOP Ultimate Guide, which comprises the complete compilation of management experience of the group to date. The BVOP Ultimate Guide is also the exclusive standardized document that BVOP Certified Project Manager license applicants need to know before beginning their online certification exam.

The first presented report on the benefit of the BVOP methodology

The first written examinations on project management systems following the BVOP methodology are manifested in the article Business Value-Oriented Project Management (BVOPM), 2019 Vol. 2 by Marta Cooper, 2019, PolicyMatters, ISSN: 1941–8280.

The study illustrates an experiment with two identical groups operating on two identical projects. The size of the units and the professional abilities of the experts are also the same (to achieve objective evaluation results).

In short, the outcomes are 12 weeks faster shipment of the product by the team members incorporating the BVOP systems of administration and development. The experiment lasted a total of 18 weeks.

Reviews of BVOP Certified Project Manager

The first thing I immediately wanted to do was to talk to one of the fellows whose official reviews were printed on the BVOP website. I didn’t suppose any actual answers to my communication, but I managed to connect with two guys through the LinkedIn website after all that was excellent. We discussed this project management certification shortly because people were still at work and I was just an intruder reporter. Nonetheless, after getting real feedback from these guys, my curiosity raised.

After seeing the impressive statements and materials centered on business value in project and product management systems, somehow I decided to join the BVOP certification program by myself. I reached the organization and asked for a price discount as I was still in the role of a journalist. To my astonishment, I was informed that I would receive a promotional discount code. I created my account very quickly and really a moment later the announcement arrived at my inbox. I logged in to my account and my promo code was waiting for me there.

The other good news for me was that I got free trial exam attempts, which I preserved for later (just following the recommendations).

Then the tough part started. I began reading the BVOP Ultimate Guide.

And that is part of the answer to the question “How to pass the BVOP Certified Project Manager exam?” (a lot of people asked me).

I needed four weeks to learn the complete BVOP Ultimate Guide. Of course, I didn’t read all time. I had the possibility to use 2 hours a day. I can calculate a total of 60 hours of studying the topics.

Surprisingly, I understood all the documents easily. I do not have any project management background, nor have I been associated with product design or software development ventures. I have completely institutional history. Notwithstanding, it seemed to me that I could readily learn all the chapters of the BVOP Ultimate Guide.

At the end of the second week, I initiated my first demo exam. I failed. I confirm that I was dissatisfied because I believed a lot in my current understanding so far.

Of course, after that, I read more and continued to study all the BVOP topics (especially the Program and Project Management chapters). At the end of the fourth week, I started my second mock exam. I passed the test. I felt happiness and a rush of energy. I directly started my last third attempt without thinking about whether I would pass it. After almost an hour of carefully and diligently examining the questions on my laptop screen and registering my answers, the good news did not linger. I also took the last trial certification exam.

I had lunch, I went out into the air. I napped for about an hour and found energy for the actual certification exam after which I really had to have the Business Value-Oriented Project Manager (BVOPM) degree.

The stress was much higher in the actual exam, but certainly, learning and persistence paid off. I passed my certification exam and my certificate was already waiting for me exactly as it was written in the instructions (on my Dashboard).

I probably won’t be doing project management or any kind of management any time soon because my writing enthusiasm is still very high. My professional path in this field is not even in the middle, but if one day I think about project management in a practical expert context, BVOP will be my preferred Agile methodology.

