Best Rehab Centers — A Different Approach To Addiction Treatment

Best Rehab Centers
Best Rehab Centers
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2017

Treatments for drug addiction are not simple but Best Rehab Centers undertakes all efforts to help a patient overcome the challenges of addiction and be a productive member of society. The Best Rehab Centers have a successful treatment plan that includes evaluation and treatment, detoxification, behavioral counseling and long term follow-ups to prevent relapse including wellness programs that will minimize the effects of the intensive treatment process.

Drug addiction is a complex disorder that can seriously affect the body and mind. Detoxification can make a patient stop from using drugs but the deeper issues are not resolved. Eventually, the patient suffers from relapse and returns to the previous drug habit. Not unless all the issues are addressed, a patient cannot completely heal; he will continue to experience the downward slide of addiction. The Best Rehab Centers uses a different approach to ensure that a patient attains physical wellbeing and psychological health.

The goal of the Best Rehab Centers is to provide comfort and recovery from the intensive and strenuous treatment program through activities like yoga lessons, healing massages and reflexology exercises. Yoga is a form of physical discipline that aims to harmonize the body and soul together. Many yoga styles are adopted in rehabilitation centers as a complimentary method of treatment to help in the healing and recovery from addiction. Simple yoga practices like counting breaths and imagining fresh air filling every pore of the body can remove all negative thoughts and emotions so that the patient can start a new life with a clean slate.

Exercise has also become an important factor in addiction treatment. During exercise, the body releases dopamine that regulates the mood. Exercise is very useful for patients who are psychologically vulnerable to prescription drugs like anti-depressants. Sometimes, the reason for drug addiction is depression.When the addict takes drugs or a shot of alcohol, they feel happy and carefree. Not only do they enjoy the initial rush but they are strongly compelled to take and anticipate another dose of drug or alcohol. Unlike the intense burst of dopamine production in the brain when the patient takes drugs, exercise will release dopamine in moderate amounts for a healthy high.

