Skechers Turkey AWS Transformation Case Study

Berkay Özuygur
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2021

Skechers is one of the leader companies on sneakers category in the world. Commerce Lab is developing Skechers Turkey’s e-commerce platform. .NetCore. Scalability, zero downtime deployment and high availability are our most important keywords in the project. With the support and agile approach of Commerce Lab founder Onur Kemer and CTO İsmail Danacı, we successfully implemented the AWS transformation and application modernization. We would like to thank all team mates who contributed to the project for their contributions.


During the entire project process, we proceeded with the everything as code perspective for installations, configurations and deployment processes. In this context, we carried out provisioning operations with Terraform and configuration operations with Ansible.

  • For security, we used AWS Web Application Firewall and AWS Shield Standard services to prevent external threats.
  • We managed DNS management with Route53.
  • We containerized the web applications and used the ECR service for the container registry.
  • We used Amazon EKS service for container orchestration.
  • We used horizontal pod autoscaler, cluster auto-scaler and AWS Auto Scaling service for auto scaling operations.
  • We used RDS Aurora service as a relational database.
  • We used Amazon Elasticsearch and Amazon DocumentDB services for NoSql database operations.
  • In deployment processes on Amazon EKS, we used the Helm chart and the ECR service for the container images we build.
  • We worked with a pipeline as a code perspective in CI / CD processes and used Jenkins for orchestration.
  • We used Cloudwatch+SNS+Lambda combination and Prometheus+Alert Manager+Grafana combination in monitoring and alarm generation processes.
  • For log structure we used AWS Elasticsearch service f and for the dashboard we used Kibana .We collected the logs with Fluentd and sent them to the Elasticsearch service.



With it’s elastic and auto scalable infrastructure, is ready for campaigns 365 days a year.


An infrastructure that can be made visible with zero downtime deployment, the possibility of versioning at any time of the day and 360 degree monitoring.


A reliable infrastructure on day 1 with rules tuned by AWS.

