Inspire Motivation by Giving Your Employees Gift Cards

Roz Andrews
The Bottom Line
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018
Photo by KRiemer via

Gift cards can be a useful tool to inspire motivation and increase productivity among your employees.

Gift cards can be given more frequently than financial bonuses. They are generally well received because they allow people to treat themselves to something nice that they might not otherwise have bought.

Here are some ways to use gift cards to improve your employees’ motivation.

Give Gift Cards to the Employee of the Week or Month

Start an “Employee of the Week” or “Employee of the Month” scheme, under which one employee is publicly rewarded for their outstanding efforts on behalf of your business. This person is given a gift card as a token of your appreciation.

Give Gift Cards for Suggestions for Improvement

Set up a company improvement program. Ask employees to offer their suggestions on how they could do their jobs more efficiently or how your business’s processes could be improved.

You could either reward each individual improvement that is implemented with a gift card for a small amount, such as $5, or you could just reward the best improvement each week or month with a gift card for a larger amount.

Give Gift Cards for Meeting Short-Term Performance Targets

Employees can also be given gift cards if they meet an agreed set of performance targets in one, two or three months.

Make sure each goal is specific and measurable, and agree each employee’s goals and the time frame in writing.

This is a good tool to improve motivation throughout the year. Often, employees are given only annual targets which count towards their pay review. This can mean that employees are not particularly motivated to achieve those goals in the first half of the year.

Setting shorter lists of monthly, bimonthly or quarterly goals with gift cards as incentives can enhance productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty to your business.

The Benefits of Using Gift Cards to Increase Employee Motivation

If you use gift cards to inspire motivation among your employees, there will be rewards on both sides.

Your employees will feel more highly valued for their skills and their contribution to your business and this will lead to increased efforts at work.

Your business will be rewarded with improved productivity, a happier workforce, and a higher staff retention rate.



Roz Andrews
The Bottom Line

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.