A Peek into the Search Trends That Defined UAE’s Restaurant Industry in 2018

Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media
4 min readJan 10, 2019
A leap into the previous year’s search trends

In 2018, Google Search turned 20 years old and while the way people search on search engines has changed radically in that time, the reasons why people opt for it hasn’t. People refer to search for information and motivation, to learn how something is done, and to satisfy their curiosity. Considering all these factors, the previous year was no different.

Google Search has always offered a one-way window into what people requisite and intend to do. Owing to its massive utilization in the digital age, the search box has become increasingly conversational, personal and predictive.

As we head into 2019, people’s expectations from search will continue to rise. Is it estimated that people will ask increasingly detailed questions and expect companies to provide answers that are tailored just for them.

In 2018 Google Search Experienced Evolution

In the previous year, voice search grew, featured snippets mattered more, mobile searches flourished, image search grew, use of knowledge cards increased and the mainstreaming of intelligent assistants took place. All of these factors added to the adoption of new technologies in the restaurant industry.

What Was Searched in 2018 & Why It Matters?

As 2018 has come to an end, it’s the right time for taking a reflection of what happened on Search in UAE’s restaurant industry. Normally, when people use Google’s search functions, their queries are logged and segregated for analytical purposes and the stats for these popular phrases can be accessed from Google Trends.

These Were the Top Searches in the Restaurant Industry as of Dec. 31, 2018: -

Interest Over Time

The numbers in the graph represent search interest for the given region and time. A value of “100” denotes the peak popularity for the term, whereas, a value of “50” means that the term was half as popular. A “0” score means there wasn’t enough data for this term.

UAE’s restaurant industry’s interest over time

Analysis of Interest Over Time: -

The year started off quite well and saw massive growth in the Q2 up till the end of 2018.

Interest by Subregion

The column on the right denotes how many exact or relative terms were searched. Darker areas in the map indicate the higher probability of being searched in a region over the given period of time. The earlier mentioned 0–100 measuring scale applies here too. Higher the value, higher the proportion of the search queries.

UAE’s restaurant industry’s interest by sub-region

Analysis of Interest by Subregion: — UAE’s business hub Dubai, observed the most searches for food places & restaurants, meaning the people of that specific region are more inclined towards outdoor & online dining, translating into more consumers being available there.

Related Topics & Queries

The following table reflects insights into how restaurant consumers searched for related topics & queries. The results marked as “Breakout” saw an incredible increase and subsequent ones were less popular.

UAE’s restaurant industry’s topics & queries

Analysis of Related Topics & Queries: — People massively searched for restaurants by name and the cuisine type. Indian, Chinese & Italian menus were found to be more preferred.

Also Read:- 7 Game-Changing Digital Marketing Practices for Restaurant Businesses in Dubai

A Leap into the Keyword Universe

Being humans, we tend to find the easiest ways of doing things, one of the reasons why we are considered smart. Being lazy is a sign of intelligence and people are good at being that way. To make sure they land up where they actually want, here’s what they searched when looking for food places in UAE.

Note: — To make data more understandable, I’ve made a simple spreadsheet to show you how foodies impacted 2k18’s restaurant searches.

Most heavily searched terms in UAE’s restaurant industry

High Hopes for 2019!

Google Search is a priceless tool for the gate-keeping & filtering of information will definitely raise its bar for conveniently catering its users by gauging consumers search behavior. Incorporating machine learning algorithms, voice search & much more, search filtering is advancing to a level where data is filtered to micro-level for enabling precise results. This new year definitely calls for creative restaurant marketing ideas to stay ahead of the game.

Related:- food service technology

Let’s hope that the new year brings something amazing to all of us and we at Bester Capital Media will do a similar analysis on search trends for restaurants in UAE next year.

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Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media

Sharoon Emmanuel is a tech enthusiast & MarCom technologist with a creative yet analytical mindset.