Case Study: Google Marketing Platform Enables Uber Eats to Contextually Target Hungry Australians

Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media
3 min readMay 12, 2020

Uber Eats became Australia’s most popular online food ordering and delivery platform by identifying the strong need for its services in the region. To acquire customers in order to grow in Australia’s competitive market, they started running standard static banner ads which failed due to low engagement across the board, leading them to rethink their “ approach to approach “ people.

The Change in Game Plan

For its second campaign, the brand’s digital wing began creating assets that adapted to each city’s most popular cuisines. This new approach fed ads manually into the buying system thus delaying the lead time for launches. Although, the results for the second campaign saw higher engagement, but the brand was constantly looking into efficient ways to reduce workloads, cut down production lag, make full use of real-time audience location and leverage CRM insights.

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Modern users expect brands to be relevant so that nearby restaurants appear according to their intent. A recent study revealed that 61% of smartphone users buy from mobile sites and apps that customize information according their location.

Rethinking the Approach

To remedy this, Uber Eats launched their third campaign, using Google’s Marketing Platform Creative Solution to develop dynamic banner ads featuring highly relevant images based on real-time sales data.

Serving Contextual Cuisine with Dynamic Banner Ads

The teams at Uber Eats & Google Marketing Platform got the campaign off the ground involving five stages over 16 weeks: -

Planning the Creative Concept: Uber Eats expressed interest in serving contextual banner ads displaying popular local restaurants and cuisine based on user’s locations.

Maintaining the Dynamic Feed: Google trained the brand on running the dynamic feed in Google Sheets, which automatically updates with the latest sales data and restaurant information periodically.

Creating Banner Ads: Uber Eats worked with Google to integrate a development tool to automatically generate ads based on real-time data from the feed.

Trafficking the Campaign: The banners were then put through tough quality assurance processes and trafficked via Campaign Manager, allowing Uber Eats to evaluate and enhance the campaign.

Executing the Media Buy: The digital wing used Display & Video 360 modules to execute the media buy across 12 cities.

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Firing Different Ammo from Both Barrels

To bring the creative banners to life, the digital team at Uber used two file feeds, one with CTAs, and logos and the other with relevant food images pulled from top-selling restaurants. Users in different cities were served different contextual ads for restaurants based on real-time sales data and deals.

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Turning the Tables with GMP

The contextual creative helped Uber Eats accomplish a whopping 190% increase in CTR, 99% reduction in manual work and 4X improvement in operational efficiency giving greater flexibility in creative explorations and encouraging new dynamic experimentations. Enabling automated yet relevant messaging with streamlined processes, the brand’s personalization vision became a reality and they secured their place in crowded food delivery ecosystem of the country with Google Marketing Platform.

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Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media

Sharoon Emmanuel is a tech enthusiast & MarCom technologist with a creative yet analytical mindset.