Evolution of Programmatic Marketing: Google Expands Connected TV Advertising Options

Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media
4 min readJul 29, 2019

Google Inc., an American multinational technology company that specializes in cloud computing, online advertising technologies, search engine, software and hardware has just taken a revolutionary step in programmatic marketing by integrating the cyberspace with the connected TV ecosystem.

The company’s proprietary Display & Video 360 advertising products will now encompass connected TV digital marketing options available to be purchased programmatically.

Having seen a staggering 137 % increase in the number of advertisers running connected TV campaigns on Display & Video 360, Google has decided to make more slots available for people to market better.

People’s watching habits are fluctuating at a rapid pace, and Google intends to capitalize on a host of media buying tools to laser target users across screens.

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Connected TV Advertising Will Create New Opportunities

Allowing brands to engage with their audience in a more contextual and timely manner, Google’s connected TV ads will cater digital video platforms. Having implemented privacy-forward standards for connected TV to adhere to responsible audience management practices i.e., user transparency and choice over ad settings, the new advertising medium is helping in-house marketers and digital media agencies make their budgets matter more.

Google also plans to launch linear TV capabilities which will enable brands to extend their reach to traditional TV viewers by procuring ad space on national broadcast networks and regional stations.

Enabling digital marketers to easily execute and monitor TV campaigns, Google has introduced new buying functionalities in Display & Video 360 such as setting up detailed campaign parameters such as daypart, geography or program genre. The platform also allows them to optimize reach by adjusting parameters and quickly manage budget distribution to ensure success.

Ensured Privacy, Transparency, Measurement & Interest

With a people’s first approach, connected TV advertising keeps the privacy of users, advertisers and content providers at top priority. To help create a sustainable connected TV advertising ecosystem, brands would need to adopt user-first practices as users now have more control over what content they consume and how that data reflects in the ads they see.

To streamline the process, Google has teamed up with IAB Tech Lab’s OTT Technical Working Group to propose shared industry guidelines for developing high-quality, personalized and privacy-safe connected TV advertising experiences.

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This collaboration has standardized guidelines for IFA (Identifier for Advertising), which enables advertisers to reach people and measure their campaign success. This formalization provides more transparency and control to the users and their ability to choose how their data is utilized, meaning they can fully opt-out of experiences like interest-based advertising and reset the ID associated with their data. Moreover, users can be assured that their choices will remain unchanged if they relocate.

Supporting the IAB Tech Lab guidelines, Google Marketing Platform’s Display & Video 360 module allows digital marketers to measure reach, manage frequency, and enable responsible audience segmentation strategies while safeguarding user privacy.

With defined processes and guidelines in place, connected TV will continue to evolve as a significant advertising platform.

Dennis Buchheim, Senior Vice President and GM, IAB Tech Lab commented: —

“We’re seeing momentum across the industry with key players adopting the IAB Tech Lab guidelines. TV and device manufacturers like Roku and measurement vendors such as Nielsen are adopting IFA. Nielsen, for example, has built IFA-based audiences into Digital Ad Ratings to bring greater understanding of reach on mobile and connected TV audiences.”

A Brief Overview of Connected TV Ads in Display & Video 360

1- Compatibility

Users of the following have the provision to view connected TV ads: -

· Set-top boxes

· Connected devices (Roku, Apple TV, etc.)

· Smart TVs: (Samsung Smart TV, etc.)

· Gaming consoles: (PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, etc.)

2- Creative Guidelines

Recommended specifications are as follows: -

· VAST: 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 specifications supported only

· File format: .mp4

· Dimensions: 1920 × 1080

· Duration: 15 to 30 seconds

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3- CTV Ads Buying & Targeting Best Practices

Consider the following options for connected TV inventory: -

CTV Inventory Deals: Premium connected TV inventory is currently procured via deals. You may find inventory through the marketplace, access curated recommendations or negotiate direct deals with publishers.

Device Type Targeting: Includes connected TV inventory as well as discrete makes and models in your video line items through device-based targeting.

Connected TV bid Multiplier for TrueView Line Items: Use the connected TV bid multiplier to develop TrueView line items that bid only on connected TV inventory by configuring the other available multipliers to -100%.

Viewability Targeting Exemption: Connected TVs are by default excluded from viewability targeting settings you apply to a video line item to assure that line items bid on nearly all devices.

DMA or Country-level Geography Targeting: Through DMA or country options, geographical targeting is accessible for most connected TV inventory.

Limited Coverage for Audience Lists: Most audience segments, including in-market and affinity lists, have restricted coverage on connected TVs. You can analyze the Inventory Availability Report to see what audiences / demographics are accessible through connected TVs.

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The Future Will See Stronger Collaboration Between TV & Digital Media Buying

With connected TV ads, brands can expand their digital strategy to reach a wider set of relevant audience in a privacy-safe way.

Originally published at https://bestercapitalmedia.com.



Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media

Sharoon Emmanuel is a tech enthusiast & MarCom technologist with a creative yet analytical mindset.