How Chatbots Are Revolutionizing UAE’s Healthcare Industry

Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media
2 min readApr 20, 2020

Chatbots have come a long way from being just automated communication tools. Covering every vertical and business practices they are now an essential part of the industry’s marketing strategy. The case for healthcare is no different either as these AI powered bots are now providing personalized care and improving the overall patient experience for healthcare facilities and medical practitioners alike.

‍Considering the convenience they offer in terms of delivering an omni-channel experience for patients, healthcare chatbots can be of great benefit in terms of virtual attendance and treatment.

‍Today, we look at some of the most important areas where their application can help reduce indoor cases and improve efficiency.

1. Customer Service/Administration

‍Modern web portals now offer onsite chatbot support to help navigating users address concerns. A similar solution can be applied to healthcare websites to assist visitors in regards to appointments, reminders and refilling prescription medications amongst many others. Ensuring privacy and accuracy, chatbots can be a great addition to effectively cater patient concerns.

Related: — AI-powered WhatsApp Chatbot Development Services in Dubai

2. Engagement

‍Chatbots allow you to interact with audience in a humanely way according to their interest. Augmenting the experience for both ‍ provider and patient, they are able to solve the biggest healthcare challenges modern practitioners face. During pandemic situations, having healthcare services at one’s disposal without any physical interaction is no less than a dream come true. With on demand accessibility, it is definitely something every healthcare facility should consider to streamline medical workflows.

Related: — Top chatbot development agency in Dubai

3. Research / Treatment

Enabling the healthcare industry to harness the power of data, they can better analyze information to offer more personalized experiences to their patients on a case to case basis. ‍Also, it can help determine the bandwidth of a specific specialist to address patients more effectively.

4. Claims/Billing/Payment

Ensuring better dealing of claims, medical bills and payments, AI based healthcare chatbots can be of assistance to the end user as well as the service provider. A healthcare chatbot has the capability to check existing coverage, support pre-authorization processes, track the status of claims and assist in billing.

‍AI infused healthcare chatbots are transforming patient experience for better. Helping to reduce staff load and overhead costs, they can serve as multifunctional conversation outlets.

Get started with healthcare AI today: contact Bester Capital Media’s development experts team to build your very own customized chatbot!



Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media

Sharoon Emmanuel is a tech enthusiast & MarCom technologist with a creative yet analytical mindset.