Prepare in Advance for the Programmatic Marketing Shift

Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media
3 min readJul 30, 2019

Programmatic can be extremely effective when it comes to reaping the full potential of digital marketing. Though the transition from current practices can be quite difficult but to gain the benefits of programmatic advertising, marketers need to examine their current workflows and consider major organizational changes.

Why Opt for Programmatic Advertising?

The digital revolution has altered the advertising space forever. Marketers can now serve relevant creatives to prospects and rapidly measure the feedback to radically effect ROI respectively.

Programmatic utilizes Real-time bidding (RTB) systems to laser target the ads delivery thus decreasing the marketer’s intervention, allowing to work more on strategy than software. Lessening time to market, programmatic advertising is cost-effective and relevant at the same time along with being least susceptible to mistakes. In general, programmatic takes approximately 57% less time to set up and guarantees 30% more efficiency.

Financial gain is another key benefit of why programmatic takes the lead when compared to regular digital ads. It removes the bottleneck for finance teams for consolidating billing due to its unified invoice and payment system.

Related:- Programmatic Advertising Services in Dubai

Glaxo Smith Kline Programmatic Advertising Case Study: -

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a global pharmaceutical giant realized that its perception was at stake as whenever people remembered the company, the only thing that came to their minds was “Faceless”.

GSK took this situation as a challenge a planned a paid media campaign that focused on showcasing the human face of the company and how it is working tirelessly to save lives.

The company’s media buying agency, Mediacom, used automation to disseminate the “human story” of the pharmaceutical brand. The advertising partners purchased video ads on leading websites such as Huffington Post, Times and Reuters and used programmatic advertising tools to categorize the best-performing audience segments to optimize the ad buy.

Result: — GSK reached more than 8 million viewers and the campaign had a view-through rate of around 66%, and a cost per view of approximately 4 cents.

Getting Started with Programmatic Advertising

Achieving optimum success with programmatic advertising services requires a lot more than only capitalizing on a new advertising technology stack. Dramatic productivity gains can only be achieved only brands and media buying agencies optimize their workflows and bring in more expertise in house.

Related:- Programmatic Display Advertising Dubai

Consider Starting Programmatic Considering these Tips: -

1. Evaluate Your Organizations Workflow: Consider how many of your human resources are involved in a campaign from start to finish. Using programmatic transactions, companies can decrease the time spent on less complex tasks by 30% to 60%.

2. Consider the Financial Gains: Identify how your one-month billing appeasement could benefit your company and how it can help to undertake other initiatives.

3. Analyze Cost Concerns: Determine the costing of tools and resources you’re paying your software platform provider and how much of an impact it is generating.

4. Evaluate your Talent Mix: Identify whether you have the right human resources for the right job or the necessary skill-set in house.

5. Define Business Rules: Once you’ve carried out the analysis and understood the contemplations of programmatic transactions, you need to identify where its applications make the most sense and promise more ROI.

Buckle up for the Programmatic Shift

Programmatic advertisement won’t totally replace all traditional digital advertising but will definitely take most of the market. Studies reveal that by 2020, programmatic ads will account for about 86% of the digital ad spend estimated at approximately $66 billion, still leaving up to about $10 billion portion divided amongst other forms of sponsorships and traditional deals.

While the digital advertisement landscape will continue to be complex, businesses will need to identify areas where programmatic fits best into their ad mix. The programmatic strategy can be quite easy to implement when your financial and operational sectors are aligned with business goals.

Businesses need to be less resistant towards adopting this change, they need to make the transition as smooth as possible to ensure instant embracement. As the programmatic shift is going to take place soon, it is important for businesses to be flexible for a data-driven approach.

To adapt to this emerging paradigm, companies need to consider operational and financial benefits, restructure teams, ensure collaboration and reconsider business rules.

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Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media

Sharoon Emmanuel is a tech enthusiast & MarCom technologist with a creative yet analytical mindset.