Recent YouTube Behaviors to Help Businesses Revisit their Marketing Strategies

Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media
3 min readJul 13, 2020

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, people are exploring ways to adapt to the new normal. From discovering safe ways to connect with people to ensure social distancing to transiting to remote mode of work, addressing daily essentials virtually, streaming religious ceremonies and more, majority of people have been observed to gravitate to YouTube to cope up with things they’d do easily prior to the pandemic.

1) Indulging in Arts

Nearly every scheduled musical festival and entertainment related events for this year were either canceled or postponed to curb the spread of the lethal virus. Almost immediately, live streams and constant publishing of entertainment content emerged across the globe as a digital replacement to alleviate disappointment and give people a way to continue enjoying their favorite content.

18.4 million viewers tuned in to One Nation India for a 11.5-hour marathon show that brought together renowned YouTubers, musicians, sportspersons and entertainers to help raise funds for PM CARES, a public charitable trust focused at COVID-19 relief.

Similarly, over 50 million viewers watched “Bang Bang Con” concert virtually on the same dates as it was to be held before the pandemic situation.Even one of the most sought after events in Asia, the Hong Kong Film Awards, was also streamed online.

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2) Keeping the Faith

Restrictions on mass gatherings have also had a significant impact on how people worship and practice their religious obligations. As houses of prayer around the world closed, most religious leaders took their services online to limit physical interaction.

In Malaysia, the National Mosque (Masjid Negara) broadcasted the nightly prayer, allowing people to pray together while staying at home.

During March, when Pope Francis began live streaming Mass from the Vatican, the Catholic TV Broadcasting Corporation of South Korea live streamed the ceremonies, generating over 400,000 views.

Similarly, in Thailand, Buddhist prayers were streamed online to help people pray while maintaining social distancing.

3) Connecting Over Shared Interests

The opportunities to venture out and connect with others who share similar interests have somewhat vanished because of the pandemic. As a result, an uptick in viewers turning to YouTube for a temporary alternative has been observed.

People are connecting with “people of their tribe” i.e. people with similar interests by looking into “Day in the Life” videos. Uploads for this specific genre of videos have increased by more than 85%, compared to the start of 2020.

With social distancing restrictions exercised, a lot about the daily routines of people have come up to the surface enabling businesses to be more relevant to their audience. Having key information about people’s viewing habits and interests can help businesses uncover avenues of growth.

During the pandemic, YouTube has undoubtedly become the digital eye through which the world can see and experience things that are relevant to their interests.

If you’d like our digital media agency to come up with creative ideas and devise a staggering YouTube strategy to engage your audience at scale, connect with us today.

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Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media

Sharoon Emmanuel is a tech enthusiast & MarCom technologist with a creative yet analytical mindset.