Why Programmatic Marketing Will Replace Traditional Digital Media Buying in Dubai UAE

Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media
4 min readAug 10, 2019

By 2020, it is expected that most forms of digital media buying will be substituted with programmatic advertising. To stay ahead of the curve, organizations need to re-strategize their digital marketing initiatives to drive success.

A survey conducted on European advertising agencies and professionals revealed that an enormous 86 % of marketeers plan to ramp-up their investments in programmatic media buying for sending the right message to the right person at the right time - and obviously at the right cost.

Related:- Programmatic advertising services in Dubai

Another reason why programmatic marketing is sure to boom is because nearly 50 percent of online consumers’ disregard brands that bombard them with irrelevant messages. This is where programmatic advertising offers ways of delivering more relevant messages, targeted to a defined audience.

Programmatic Advertising by Definition

Programmatic advertising, also known as “ programmatic marketing” or “programmatic media buying “, is a process of purchasing ad space via software that relies on complex algorithms to distribute digital advertisements contextually.

How Programmatic is Different from Conventional Digital Marketing?

Before the emergence of programmatic marketing, ad space was purchased and sold by humans. The media buying process was slow and inefficient, taking meetings, RFPs, manual bidding and negotiations before an advertisement could be placed.

Programmatic cuts out the middleman to streamline the ad buying process and serves more relevant ads by targeting demographics and context via an automated procedure. Allowing to better measure ROI, it offers a more scalable way of serving ads.

Relying completely on data, programmatic advertising allows marketeers to serve personalized ads. Furthermore, programmatic marketing allows to test, learn and discover the content that works best to target a specific set of audience.

Related:- Programmatic buying agency in Dubai

The Pros of Advertising Programmatically

Reliance On Data

Cutting out the guesswork, programmatic advertising centers on real-time data, deep consumer insights and bidding pattern analysis to help brands remodel their digital marketing efforts and improve the performance of their media spend via data-driven campaigns.

Efficient Audience Targeting

Programmatic marketing addresses the issue of bombarding advertisements to the wrong people. Programmatic buying agencies can help their clients to ensure that there speaking to the right audience. Leveraging programmatic businesses will be able to cherry-pick exact targeting strategies for the exact media sources they want to buy.

Advertisements Based on Customer Purchase Decisions

Allowing to display ads based on purchasing decisions, programmatic takes into consideration a 360-degree view of potential customers. This includes an in-depth understanding of how your prospects search products and what information triggers their purchase. A programmatic advertising strategy is defined by mapping out the complete customer journey and understanding ways to influence them.

Omni-channel Optimization

Negating the “ One Size Fits All “ approach, programmatic optimizes advertisements for all channels of communication. Being able to do this, businesses can reach customers at the right moment in the right way and at the right platform. Considering the fact that people interact with content differently on different platforms, programmatic platforms allows tailoring advertisements as per audience behaviors as well as how they engage and interact with channels and devices.

Coherent with Brand’s Success Metrics

Programmatic advertisements can be created with a brand’s measures of success in mind. When working with a programmatic advertising agency, brands can ensure that campaign measurement is calibrated as per the brand’s requirements. Working closely with programmatic partners, businesses can define in detail what success looks like.

Real-Time Bidding

Marketeers are able to do real-time bidding directly across ad exchanges, with full control over processes. With on-spot bidding of ads, data and spend strategy belongs to the stakeholders thus allowing to orchestrate campaigns seamlessly. RTB works perfectly to serve ads on a wide variety of entities to prospects that meet their buyer personas.

Related:- Programmatic advertising agency in Dubai

Programmatic Advertising is the Future

The adoption of programmatic marketing is still underway by marketeers and enterprises alike, this is the right time to try out what programmatic strategy works best for your business model. Reputed names like Unilever, 21 stCentury Fox, Google, Frito lays and Boston Consulting Group are already investing in programmatic media buying and have marked success using it.

To start capitalizing on the power of personalized advertising, refer to our programmatic advertising services to increase your ROI.

Originally published at https://bestercapitalmedia.com.



Sharoon Emmanuel
Bester Capital Media

Sharoon Emmanuel is a tech enthusiast & MarCom technologist with a creative yet analytical mindset.