5 Inspiring Senior Designer Portfolios



By bestfolios.com — collecting the best designer portfolios, resumes and design resources.

1. Jesse Chase

Jesse Chase is a senior experience designer at Airbnb.

Style: clean, elegant and minimal.

Case study screenshots: http://bestfolios.com/portfolio/jessechase

2. Josh Mateo

Josh Mateo is a senior product designer at Spotify.

Style: Rich, bold and comprehensive.

Case study screenshots: http://bestfolios.com/portfolio/joshmateo

3. Stephen Calvillo

Stephen Calvillo is currently a Product Designer at LinkedIn in San Francisco, CA.

Style: Dark, bold and colorful.

Case study screenshots: http://bestfolios.com/portfolio/stephencalvillo

4. Luca Orio

Senior Product Designer @ Netflix.

Style: comprehensive, bold and expressive.

Case study screenshots: http://bestfolios.com/portfolio/lucaorio

5. Jen Olive Hong

Jen is a senior visual designer working at Intuit in Mountain View.

Style: elegant, grid and comprehensive.

Case study screenshots: http://bestfolios.com/portfolio/jenolivehong

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Bestfolios is a gallery featuring the best portfolios and resumes from top UI/UX designers, graphic designers and motion designers.