5 Student Design Portfolios Done Right



By bestfolios.com — collecting the best designer portfolios, resumes and design resources.

1. Cody Reppert

Cody Reppert is an incoming Product Design Intern at Uber and student at SCAD.

Cody’s portfolio is clean and element. Beautiful color with illustration/branding make his projects stand out.

See case study screenshots: http://www.bestfolios.com/portfolio/codyreppert

2. Zheng Zhang

Zheng is a student at RIT pursuing Master degree of Visual Communications Design.

Zheng’s portfolio is clean yet bold. The poster graphic on the top pops out his visual skills. The order of the projects in his home page are clearly ordered by importance. The story for his “Regazine” project is very well done.

See case study screenshots: http://www.bestfolios.com/portfolio/zhengzhang

3. Abhishek Kannekanti

Abhishek Kannekanti is an incoming UX designer at Google and former product designer intern at Salesforce and graduate student from RIT.

Abhi’s portfolio is one the best in our student collection. Clean layout and hierarchy, beautiful visual presentation, comprehensive and story-telling case studies.

See more of his portfolio screenshot: http://www.bestfolios.com/portfolio/abhishekkannekanti

4. Dapo Oni

Dapo Oni is a graphic design student at Montclair State University.

Dapo’s portfolio is great — beautiful graphic, amazing motions, high-quality projects and many more.

Check out more of Dapo’s portfolio: http://www.bestfolios.com/portfolio/dapooni

5. Bettina Chou

Bettina Chou is a HCI student at CMU and former intern at Intuit Mint and Deloitte.

Bettina’s portfolio is rich and organized. Her case studies demonstrated her great story-telling skills. The problems, how to approach, research, sketches, wireframes, visual, prototyping and test results, are clearly presented in her “Bento Browser” case study. Her portfolio is recommended for all HCI/interaction design students and beginners.

More of her work: http://www.bestfolios.com/portfolio/bettinachou

Thanks for reading!

For more designer portfolios, resumes, articles, tutorials and other design resources. Check out our website at bestfolios.com.




Bestfolios is a gallery featuring the best portfolios and resumes from top UI/UX designers, graphic designers and motion designers.