6 Google UX Case Studies from Google Designers

2 min readSep 3, 2018


By bestfolios.com — a curation of 800+ designer portfolios, case studies, resumes and design resources.

1. Google Attribution

By Rachel Schmitz, former Interaction Designer at Google.

Full case study: https://www.bestfolios.com/casestudy/googleattribution

2. Google Maps: Departure Boards

By Sophie Gardner, design intern at Google in 2017.

Full case study: https://www.bestfolios.com/casestudy/googlemaps:departureboards

4. Google Translate: Talking to strangers

By Pendar Yousefi, Design Lead at Google Translate.

Full case study: https://www.bestfolios.com/casestudy/googletranslate:talkingtostrangers

5. Wait time on Google

By Alex Lakas, user experience, interaction and visual designer for Google’s SIM UX (Search, Identity & Maps) team.

Full case study: https://www.bestfolios.com/casestudy/waittimeongoogle

6. Local Service by Google — Provider Platform

Local Services by Google is a new, strategic vertical effort in Ads & Commerce. By Wei Huang, UX designer at Google.

Full case study: https://www.bestfolios.com/casestudy/localservicebygoogle-providerplatform




Bestfolios is a gallery featuring the best portfolios and resumes from top UI/UX designers, graphic designers and motion designers.