7 Inspiring Online Shopping UX Case Studies on Amazon, eBay and more.

2 min readAug 29, 2018


By bestfolios.com — a curation of 800+ designer portfolios, case studies, resumes and design resources.

1. Tote Onboarding

By Helen W. Bentley, design lead at Le Tote.

2. Tote Swap

By Helen W. Bentley, design lead at Le Tote.

3. Shopify for Apple Watch

By Kevin Clark, product designer at Shopify.

4. Designing Etsy.com

By Aaron Shapiro, former design lead at Etsy.

5. Free Trial 14 — Amazon Prime Onboarding

By Alexandria Won, UX design intern at Amazon.

6. Educents: Search Results Page

By Morgan Gore, Product Designer at Yelp Search team.

7. eBay Card Pattern

UX design pattern for eBay by Vax Liu.




Bestfolios is a gallery featuring the best portfolios and resumes from top UI/UX designers, graphic designers and motion designers.