Illustration by by Radostina Georgieva

8 Beautiful Resumes Done Right (2020)
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2020


Looking for resume inspirations from top designers in the industry? Here are 8 of them that done right.

1. Tony Chen

Product Designer at Hootsuite.

2. Mattia Schirano

Young Judge at

3. Haley Park

HCI student at CMU, intern at Adobe.

4. Hiroo Aoyama

Student at Georgia Tech, former design intern at Facebook.

5. Dominik Wurm

Head of Design at Blockpit.

6. Angela Bang

Student at NYU. Product Design Intern at Udacity and Amazon.

7. Martijn van den Broeck

Interaction Designer at Google in Paris. Former design intern at IDEO in San Francisco.

8. Tom Janssens

a 25-year-old Interaction Designer based in Germany

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Bestfolios is a gallery featuring the best portfolios and resumes from top UI/UX designers, graphic designers and motion designers.