5 Case Studies: Ordinary People Get Rich By Doing Online Job

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5 min readMay 11, 2021

The internet has been a game changer in more ways than one. It has helped to bring people together and has literally destroyed the concept of geographical divides and of time and distance. This would have been unthinkable perhaps even four or five decades back. While communication and sharing of information could have been the initial reasons for the use of the internet, today there is no doubt that the worldwide web is a big driver of commerce and wealth.

It is today considered to be one of the best sources for building big wealth with very small or even no investment. There are hundreds of success stories of people getting rich doing various online jobs. We are happy to share five such case studies of people who have been able to get rich using the power and reach of the internet. We are sure it will be of great help and motivation to all those who are dreaming of break free from mediocrity irrespective of their age, gender, educational backgrounds and geographical location.

Darren Rowse

The world of affiliate marketing is replete with many success stories and perhaps more number of failures or mediocre successes. The story of Darren Rowse is perhaps one of the most talked about for those who wish to be winners. He is considered to be one of the successful and popular affiliate marketers in the world. Apart from his stunning success stories what makes Darren Rowse special is the fact that he is willing to be open with his success history. He has been into affiliate marketing for over 15 years now and in the first decade itself he had accumulated around half a million dollars. Half a million dollar works out to around $50000 per year. However, he started making real big money from 2008 and by 2013 he was richer by half a million. This works out to $80000 each year which is quite respectful. His success story evinces interest because he was an ordinary guy. He could also be the right person for all those bloggers who wish to reach success by making use of Amazon affiliate marketing. His success story explains as to why choosing Amazon affiliate marketing could be a smart and intelligent decision.

David McSweeney

David is from United Kingdom and he is a search engine optimization expert. He has been in this field for the past 15 years. He has built a successful online business and is ready to share his experiences and offer tips. His experience and success story can be useful for all those who are interested to create and help grow a fledgling marketing site. He shares his experience of the first few months where he went from zero to $4000 a month. He was able to make this money in six months. This no doubt is a big success and is certainly a testimony to the skill of David McSweeney as an affiliate marketer. While there are many reasons for his success his month by month account and the way in which he grew steadily is quite interesting. He also shares with the readers the amount of hard work he has put in researching and also for coming out with quality content to make his site interesting for readers and viewers. In the first month itself he had around 800 odd visitors. He also made $115 in the first month. The best thing about his success story is that his earnings kept on increasing month on month. It is an interesting case because just by focusing on white hat effort he could grow his site quite rapidly. Hid success teaches us about the importance of timing and also underscores the importance of research and picking up the right niche. Visiting his site could throw more information about the right information and knowledge to become successful as an SEO specialist.

Chris Gutherie’s Up Fuel Success Story

While the second story above is different, this story about Chris Gutherie is almost similar to the first one of Darren. While the success story might look similar, it does prove that Darren’s success is not a flash in the pan. Chris Gutherie was able to develop a number of websites and they put together earned him around $45,000 a year. He perhaps would have been making much more had he not sold one of his best sites for an undisclosed but attractive six figure income. His success story teaches us about some basic things. It is about picking up a good niche. This is what any up and coming affiliate marketer should pay importance to. It also teaches the new entrants to be focused in a narrow prism. Broadening the canvas has to happen but it could be after a period of time. It also teaches the importance of using content links rather than focusing on tables and sidebars. He states that his success again is mainly because of the company which he chose. Yes, you have guessed it right, he also put his money and trust in Amazon and it has paid off quite impressively.

Ebrahim Hussain

This is the astounding success story of Ebrahim Hussain. He was young and he was desperate to help his family which was struggling to come to terms with the Arab Spring. This young lad had a liking for programming and he turned this passion into a business to help his family have a decent living. He also wanted to use this skill for the purpose of raising funds for his startup. He had no other option but to look up to freelancer.com for a continuing stream of projects. It was not long before he had a continuous stream of projects coming his way and his startup project is up and running quite smoothly.

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Ian Clement Fosgate

This is a story of success which online freelancing can offer to those who are focused and persevering. Ian Clement Fosgate was keen on helping his mom who was working overseas to support her family. His father was at home for some unavoidable reasons. Ian was from Philippines and he had big dreams of earning a decent income for his parents and for his family. Having graduated from a local university, he was keen on supporting his dad with his household work. He therefore decided against taking up a regular nine to five job and instead looked for some home based online opportunity. He used his skills in Microsoft Excel and is now working as a full time Excel Specialist and catering to many clients abroad. He earns handsome income sitting in the comfort of his home and it may not be long before he actually becomes rich and wealthy.

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