How To Use Data To Get Micro-Transit Right

Raphael Gindrat
Published in
5 min readFeb 27, 2019

An article published Streetsblog USA this past summer proclaimed that the story of micro-transit is one of “consistent, dismal failure.” The piece focused on failed micro-transit companies and pilot programs in areas such as Kansas City, where riders made just 1,480 trips in a year, which ended up costing the local transit agency, KCATA, $1,000 per ride. Also featured was a project in Santa Clara, California, where a service garnered 0.4 boardings per hour, far less than the 15-boardings-per-hour threshold that transit agencies state are needed to make a conventional bus route viable.

In December, micro-transit pioneer Chariot announced that it was shifting its focus to corporate transportation, abandoning a public-transit-like service open to all as demand didn’t materialize as hoped. CEO Dan Grossman told the San Francisco Business Times that the company’s initial approach was “hit the streets and see how it works,” much like predecessors Uber and Lyft. The next month, Chariot announced plans to cease operations.

Is micro-transit doomed to failure? Maybe not according to recent studies that crunched data to show how shared micro-transit services can be extremely efficient ways of moving people and reducing the need to rely on single occupancy vehicles.

Micro-Transit And The Promise Of Shared Services

Let’s define micro-transit. The term refers to shared, on-demand, app-based mobility services that group travelers with similar trip pickup and drop-off locations. The goal is to make shorter trips — to and from transit hubs, for example — more efficient and to reduce the need for single-occupancy vehicles on city streets. And the stakes are high as it is becoming clear that peer-to-peer ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft may be contributing to urban traffic woes, adding as many as 5.7 billion miles driven on U.S. city streets annually.

Shared mobility services, such as micro-transit, have been promoted as a solution that could move more people with fewer vehicles and with fewer miles driven, achieving the twin goals of reducing traffic and emissions. The promise is that commuters can enjoy shorter rides and greater productivity by saving time previously lost in traffic and that cities can be redesigned around humans instead of around automobiles.

The devil, as is often the case, is in the details. There is no one-size-fits-all solution as every city is different and even different neighborhoods in cities have different demand profiles and traffic patterns. Understanding service performance in a given city with its unique geography, demand profiles and traffic characteristics involves many unknowns, including the number of vehicles needed, the ideal locations for services and the tolerance of riders for extra ride and wait times.

Getting It Right

Hitting the streets to see how a mobility service works is an expensive way to learn, especially when the lesson is that the service doesn’t work. One way to get micro-transit and other services like it right is to use data and analytics to test services in advance by using existing ride matching and dispatching algorithms. It is possible to simulate how services might perform in advance of deployment, giving planners and operators invaluable information to help increase the odds of success.

For example, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin used computer models of Austin and found that one shared vehicle could replace 10 single-occupancy vehicles with wait times from 20 seconds to five minutes. That’s probably less than the time it would take people to get into their cars, park and walk to their ultimate destinations.

To test this theory further, data scientists at our company conducted and published a study that took publicly available taxi data from the city of Chicago and used ride matching and dispatching algorithms to compare how a shared service could perform compared to a taxi service using real-world demand data (assuming taxi rides carry a single passenger). Every day more than 2,700 taxis carry some 31,000 riders on average in the Windy City. The study tested the ability of shared vehicles using different thresholds for wait times and excess ride times due to multiple pickups and drop-offs.

The study found that 200 shared vehicles could do the work of the entire city taxi fleet with an average excess ride time of six minutes and a wait time of five minutes. The shared fleet would travel 24,544 miles compared to the 40,389 miles driven by taxies. To decrease wait and ride times, more vehicles would be needed.

As you can see, being armed with this data can give micro-transit providers the powerful knowledge of potential performance, so that they can best optimize their fleet prior to being deployed. New and existing service providers can run similar simulations using available vehicle and transit utilization data to create more predictable services that stand a better chance of working for riders and operators alike.

From Potential To Actual

The potential of shared mobility services to dramatically reduce the number of vehicles needed to move people into, out of and around cities is clear. The corresponding benefits of lower emissions congestion can also be reasonably assumed. Using data to simulate the capabilities of shared fleets can give planners much-needed certainty behind how these services can perform, which is far more valuable than a “hit the streets and see how it works” approach.

Challenges for micro-transit remain. Private businesses have not fared well as operators, and in some cases, they competed with public operators. Could public agencies do better? And while the data shows that shared micro-transit can move more people with fewer vehicles and take autos off the streets, we have few real-world success stories to date.

Public acceptance and utilization of these services are, of course, the ultimate goal and test of their viability. Every service provider will have to understand its own community’s tolerance for wait times, ride times and shared trips. Simulation provides the ability to test performance against these restraints and determine the number of vehicles and the locations of services needed to meet these tolerances. The ability to predict and ultimately guarantee these passenger-related performance metrics can go a long way toward making micro-transit services successful.

Originally published at on February 27, 2019.

