Best Play Recommends: Fog of Love

Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2018


What is it? A self-described romantic comedy of a game that’s as much about staying together as it is about falling in love.
How many people? 2
How long does it take? 60–90 minutes
Who is it for? Best played with your significant other, but good friends will also enjoy the twists and turns of a fictional relationship.
Buy it: Support Best Play and get yourself a copy from Amazon here.

The Gist

Why we recommend it

Fog of love is a game really unlike any other. It’s a game about exploring the 2 sides of a relationship, and the experience you have will likely be very different to mine.

Firstly, you build out your characters with your hidden traits and personality. Your partner helps by telling you what it is they first noticed about you.

Immediately you’ll notice that this game is a mixture of seriousness and comedy. “I’m a tall, strapping fella… with a squeaky voice”. The bulk of the game plays out in these scenarios; lighter, relatable moments like your first visit to Ikea, or heavier scenes like the death of a friend. In one of our games we had to deal with a secret I had been keeping. It had hung over a couple of scenes as my partner had figured I was hiding something and forced my to reveal it. The reveal was I was planning a surprise party and that break down in trust was both created by the games mechanics but also how we acted out the scenes. I love that the games structure still allows for these moments to emerge from your own play styles.

With each scene you make decisions that build out your relationship, based on how you think your character would act and their personality traits. Maybe they reflect your greed, your insecurities, or maybe the decision is based on your need to show off. Whatever the reason, it affects your relationship, how well you’re getting along and getting to know each other.

There is no right or wrong way to play this. The game nudges you towards certain choices to help you meet the goals of your traits and desires, but you don’t have to. Express the relationship in the way you think makes most sense to the character you’re building. One of my characters was outwardly very confident bordering on arrogant but was actually incredibly insecure in their looks. Treading that line in the scenes was a fun challenge but it’s up to you how much you want to lean into it.

And your character will build and change over time. You might even lose your selfish trait in favor of something more altruistic. Or perhaps you become even more riddled with self doubt. Observing someones character change overtime feels like real growth in the relationship and is a fun way of reflecting how years of being a couple changes you for better and worse.

Each time you play, you have the opportunity to do it differently, mostly with the decisions you make but also by adding more scenarios from the box, adding some complexity and diversity.

Speaking of complexity, this may be the best ‘onboarding’ experience in board games. If you’re anything like me, the biggest thing putting you off playing a new game is the thought of having to learn it, then teach it. Well here you don’t even need to touch the rule book for your first game; a neatly laid out tutorial takes you through the whole game card by card, teaching you more as you go. All you do is open the box.

This really is an experience unlike any other. The chance to tell a story and a little bit of roleplay without the pressure of fighting off goblins or performing in a group. It’s an intimate game, reflecting the intimacy of the relationships you will build. It’s created moments and stories that will stick with me, but have also helped me reflect on my own marriage.

Rather than watching a Friday night romcom, why not create your own?

If you like the sound of that and want to support Best Play we recommend buying the game with this link, helping yourself and us.

Buy Fog of Love




Product strategy by day, board games by night. Also a lover of fine dining, football and Adventure Time