Win a copy of Small World

Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2018

When Joel decided to try out Small World I was skeptical. A game I’ve seen in every board game store with the overly cartoon art, fantasy setting and weird name. Turns out I was wrong to doubt, it’s a brilliantly fun game. Simple enough to learn and each quickly but plenty of variety to keep playing and learning new strategies. So we thought we should give a copy away to any other doubters out there to prove them wrong as well. That’s you. You doubter.

To be in with a chance of winning, simply enter in one of the 12 ways below. Maximise your odds by doing all 12. Good luck!
Win a copy of Small World

If you’ve decided you want the game anyway, you can get a copy on Amazon here.

A taster of what you’ll get if you win




Product strategy by day, board games by night. Also a lover of fine dining, football and Adventure Time