It’s coming home, but I am not.

Abigail Peel
BESTSELLER Business Trainee Programme
3 min readJun 29, 2021

Hej everyone!

Celebrating Midsummer with the IBT’s

My name is Abigail and I am 22 years old, coming from the beautiful… Manchester, UK. Therefore, you can say the move to Denmark has been a slight improvement. I studied my bachelor’s degree in International Business in Liverpool (much to my Dad’s dismay who is a very strong Man United fan). And I have also spent a lot of time living and working in Sweden, close to the city Örebro. I joined the IBT programme in Financial Controlling and Internal Reporting — a lot of numbers but still just as fun as the creative stuff (for nerds like me, at least).

Views from the apartment in Aarhus

We have only been in Aarhus for nearly a month now, but I already feel settled — which is a result of my great fellow IBT’s, my lovely team and the amazing city. We have spent nearly every day discovering something new about the city and about each other. The week looks something like this: Beach, Cards, Euro’s, trying Danish delights and of course enjoying a few drinks in the garden on a Friday evening. So yes, it is true that my social battery has been running low as of late… But, the past 3 weeks have truly been great getting to know everyone and forming friendships. So great that I forgot my best friends’ birthday back in the UK… So maybe try to be on your phone a bit more than me, just a tip.

slå søm I

To say Aarhus and BESTSELLER has been safe so far would be a lie… I attended a Finance Summer BBQ with a fellow finance IBT (Jonna from Sweden) and I was happy playing a classic Danish game “slå søm I,” where you hammer nails into a plank of wood (weird, I know). This was until my work colleague hammered the nail a bit too hard and it caught my leg… blood everywhere, which I am still trying to get out of my shoes. Don’t worry though — my tip would just be to never play.

For anyone looking for some exercise in Aarhus, don’t worry, you will do a lot of walking. Everything is so close within the city and just a walk away. (which has attributed to my % increase in daily steps). Me and Henna (Finland) found a dance studio a 3-minute walk away from the apartment and we attended a street dance / commercial class which was great. But we hope to get more of the IBT’s joining in with us…

That’s all for now! 😊 Until the next blog post…


