Stationing in Antwerp & Málaga

Viola Wrede
BESTSELLER Business Trainee Programme
3 min readNov 1, 2022

I have been living in Antwerp 1 month and now 2 months of living in Málaga has almost come to an end. I have been working side by side with the Sales Team of Vila in our Showrooms, where the clients come to buy the new collection for their stores.

As a designer, it has been good to learn about what happens with the collection after we let it go. I have understood more about the process, and believe it will give me and my team back home good insight for designing better in the future — as I have gotten insight to the market style, fitting, and price points.

Antwerp was a city, which I instantly liked. The city is historic, the streets are narrow and the office of Bestseller is the most amazing, like a castle in the middle of the city, and is also a protected building, something for the architecture nerd in me.

Of course I was thrilled to move right when the weather changed for the colder in Antwerp. In Málaga I have been enjoying temperatures on 25-30 degrees, all throughout October. Living in the middle of the city, there is a constant life on the streets, people having their dinner at 21.00. I often walk to the castle ruins on the hill or the beach.

I have also experienced challenges, being the first Design IBT to go on stationing with a sales team. What is the purpose of my stay? Am I trying to intern as a sales person, or what will I do there? Those are some concerns I have met. I believe my purpose there has been to use my time to be with the sales person in the showroom, meeting the costumers, and just listen to their feedback and comments. I believe the input I have gotten will make the 2 countries see themselves even more in our collections, with the knowledge we have gotten from each other. I also hope to be the person in the design team, that can bring inspiration from the south, because in design, we mostly see the Nordic fashion style, all being from and living in Denmark.

Thank you for reading along, and maybe you have found some inspiration for what your stationing could look like…


