Tourists in the capital

Abigail Peel
BESTSELLER Business Trainee Programme
2 min readAug 30, 2021

Hi everyone,

So, it is my turn again to tell you all about what me and the other IBT’s have been up to.

Since we moved to Aarhus, we have all been saying that we need to visit the capital, Copenhagen, and this month we finally did it! So, 18 of us got the bus down after work on Friday and spent the weekend visiting. We had no idea it was the Pride closing festival in Copenhagen that weekend, so we were pleasantly surprised when we came across a pride festival party after getting dinner when we arrived…

Pride Fest with Angelica (left) and Romane (right)

On Saturday morning (those that were feeling fresh enough) walked aroumd the city and visited the famous Nyhavn… where a LOT of pictures were taken. After this, we walked to Christiania, and if you don’t know about this place, I would recommend a quick google. It is basically an area within Copenhagen that the government do not control… (use your imagination 😉 ).

A obligatory group pic :)

We then went to look for glitter for the pride festival party on the Saturday night, which people had no choice if they wanted it on or not.. I just put it on. We then had a very fun night dancing to sing-along hits and drinking mojitos.

Candid glitter pic

… which we paid for the day after. With glitter still in our hair and burnt faces from falling asleep in the sun, it was safe to say that Copenhagen was an amazing weekend and I am sure we will be back soon!

Until next time… :D

Too much for some… like me and Teresa.

