Benefit of Email Marketing

5 min readDec 23, 2020

Email marketing is beneficial because it is fast, efficient, and cost-effective. Using this method of marketing provides you the means of reaching out to potential customers and retaining existing ones by encouraging repeat visits to a site.

In addition, emailing is the top method email marketers use to nurture leads to convert.

94% of Internet users use email. Therefore, marketing through email allows you to reach a great deal of Internet users even if they are not on social media.

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Furthermore, a survey found that an astounding 75% of adult online users say email marketing is actually their preferred marketing method!

If you’re not already utilizing email marketing, it is definitely something you should consider in order to reach a wider audience and strengthen your brand’s relationship with current customers.

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Another benefit of email marketing is that it’s incredibly easy to track your ROI. Everything is trackable with the use of email marketing software so you can determine who is opening your emails, who is clicking onto your site through your emails, and more.

Plus, the ROI is usually very high because you don’t have to put ad money behind emails to get them to the correct audience like you do with most other forms of advertising.

They are already targeted towards the ideal consumer because you are only sending emails to people who have given you permission via providing you with their email address. This makes email marketing one of the cheapest possible marketing tactics.

One little-known fact is that 66% of all emails in the U.S. are opened on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. If you’ve been considering using a text message or SMS campaign, email marketing might actually be a better choice for you.

Email marketing works pretty much the same way as SMS marketing, but you can reach desktop users as well, and most smartphone users find emails to be less bothersome than text messages from companies.

While email marketing is often used in conjunction with other forms of marketing like social media advertising and even TV and radio ads, it has its own unique set of advantages.

For example, let’s say you have an ecommerce store and you’re running a sale. When you post about the sale on social media, not all your followers will see it. Only about 1% of your followers will typically see a Facebook post unless you’ve boosted it using ad dollars.

If you send an email about your sale, it is guaranteed to be put in front of every single member of your email list.

Another big difference between email marketing and other forms of marketing is that people actually want to see your email promotions! Anyone on your email list purposefully provided you with their email address because they wanted more information on your brand.

This is quite different from ads on search engines, social media, TV, magazines, and radio. Someone who comes across your ad on Facebook, Google, or while watching the morning news did not request to learn more about your brand, so they are more likely to ignore your message or even be bothered by it.

When this happens, you’re probably wasting precious ad spend because those ad viewers aren’t interested.

This is where email marketing is different.

If a consumer directly provides you with their email address, it is because they specifically want to opt in to your email marketing. This means they WANT to see your ads and promotions.

They may have been tempted with a coupon or some other promotion, but it is still a much more consent-based marketing strategy.

This is part of what makes email marketing so unique and so successful!

How do you do email marketing?

Before you even start developing an email marketing campaign, you’ll want to set your goals and identify your audience.

With email marketing software, you can customize emails with subscribers’ names and can send out personalized emails for people’s birthdays.

You can even maintain separate email lists and send out different offers or promotions to different audience sets.

Not every message you come up with will resonate with every one of your subscribers, so it may be beneficial to segment your email lists and create different emails that correspond to different portions of your overall audience.

This will help with your open rates and CTR in the long run.

The first step to starting an email marketing campaign is to gather an email list. Before a potential subscriber provides you with their email address, there are a few questions they are likely to consider.

Will you spam them?

What do they have to gain from giving you their email address?

Will you send special discounts?

Will you make their email address public or sell it?

You’re going to want to make it clear to would-be subscribers that they will benefit from subscribing to your email list and you will not spam them or give anyone else their email address. Establishing this trust will ultimately help encourage individuals to join your mailing list.

There are countless ways to build your email list, but a good place to start is to embed an email registration form on your website. This way you can leverage your existing website visitors and offer them special information or discounts in exchange for their email address. This tactic is commonly used today with many retailers because people love coupons and they will be quick to provide their email information for a great deal.

You can also use your social media accounts to gather emails, as mentioned previously.

What is the best email marketing service? Or Best email marketing software?

There are many email platforms you can use and the one you choose will depend on what type of functionality you prefer. The following are some of the most commonly used email service providers:

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Digital Marketing — Email Marketing — Blogging — Website Design — Affiliate Marketing