Three Words from the Sego Awards

Kimmy Paluch
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2019

I had the distinct honor of being recognized for being a female advocate at the Sego Awards earlier this month, and wanted to share the speech I gave on the stage that night. We were asked to pick three words that encapsulate our journey and I chose ones that have driven and inspire me based on the influence of my own mother: audacious, uplift and shatter.

Before I get into the words chosen, I wanted to speak about how inspirational this event was. The founding team has created a gala that is uniquely it’s own with the purpose of recognizing the women building incredible things in Utah.

The event itself is built around it’s own three words: Celebrate, Inspire and Advocate. The night embodied all three. It was a fantastic night that truly inspired with an incredible group of winners and finalists. As with everything they do, they also added a fun twist of not only shifting away from thank you speeches, but also adding flair with a dress code theme that brought out a very fun sparkle in a beautiful setting of the Sundance Mountain Resort.

My sister and I at the Sego Awards in the nights Funky Formal theme.
A celebration in a festive atmosphere with mocktails for toasting each award.

I was among three winners for the Advocacy category; the other two being in the VC space as well: Ben Capell and Gaven Christensen. It was an honor to share the stage with not only them, but also all the incredible women finalists and presenters.

So, why my three words. I wanted to share the words that have most compelled me to move forward and drive me to keep going.


Be bold and do things even if you think you are not capable of them. You will always surprise yourself in being stronger than you know and absolutely beyond worthy. Always ask “why not me?”


Be aware that there are others like you that need the same belief and push to be audacious. Help them along and open the door behind you for each one you open.


Glass ceilings are real and we are making countless chinks. With each move we make, we’ve got to keep the goal in mind. And we can’t be alone in this effort; let’s enable our allies as well.

Here is the full speech:

