6 Startup Events in Lisbon You Really Shouldn’t Miss This Week and the Next

Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2017

My mother used to tell me that bad news comes all at once. However, along the years I’ve come to realise the same statement applies to good news, or in this case great events.

So, you may want to sit down before you hear this. But there are so many great events happening in Lisbon this week and the next that at this point you’re probably freaking out (like me) with the fact that you won’t have time to sit and watch House of Cards’ new season.

I’m sorry Frank but House of Cards will have to wait (unless, you’re seriously considering watching it all at once, like I am).

Check out these 8 startup events and make sure you register before they actually get sold out…

Landing.careers Festival (June 2–3)

Landing.jobs team

Landing.jobs is coming back this year with the craziest job fair in the world. Landing.career Festival will take place on June 2nd and 3rd, and it will bring to Lisbon some the world’s finest tech pros.

No suits. No business cards. This Portuguese startup, based in Lisbon, will organise 2 days of great talks and activities including a hackathon and a boat trip. Some of their speakers include Joel Gascoigne, the founder and CEO of Buffer, or Dean Hudson, Engineering Director of Soundcloud.

Find out more about it here and make sure you join us.

Lisbon Startup Tour (June 5)

The Uniplaces Office in Lisbon

The first edition of the Lisbon Startup Tour was during the Web Summit and we brought almost hundred investors, journalists, executives, and other entrepreneurs to meet the best startups in Lisbon.

This year we’re organising the second edition, during the Lisbon Investment Summit week, and we’ll be visiting top startups like Uniplaces, Aptoide, or Talkdesk. In the end you also get a copy of the Lisbon Startup Guide book.

Check out the first edition in the video below:

We have limited space on the Lisbon Startup Tour bus so, register here to join us and get to know the top startups in Lisbon.

Investors Academy (June 5)

On June 5th (the day before #LIS17) we are organising the Investors Academy, which is a dedicated moment for business angels and investors to share best practices in startup funding, all the way from angel to Series A round.

Topics will range from what are the trending investment types, negotiating terms, angel exit strategies, portfolio management and more. Speakers include: Rodrigo Martinez, from Point Nine Capital (investors of Typeform, Zendesk and Delivery Hero), Dave Haynes, from Seedcamp (first investors of Transferwise), Cristina Fonseca, angel investor & co-founder at Talkdesk (raised 4 rounds from Salesforce Ventures and Draper Fisher and Jurvetson), and Ricardo Sequerra, from Cherry Ventures (€170M in funds).

Check the full agenda here, and if you’re interested register asap because we only have 4 spots left.

Lisbon Investment Summit (June 6–7)

Warning: There are only a few tickets left.

Europe’s surprisingly informal and slightly unexpected startup conference is back, with more than 200 investors, including some of the world’s top VCs, and more than 80 international speakers.

  • Meet the investors of Slack, Facebook, Skype, or Farfetch and get the chance to attend our Investors Breakfast — see the list of investors
  • Learn from experienced entrepreneurs such as Renaud Visage, founder of Eventbrite (one of the most successful startups from San Francisco), Martin Henk, founder of Pipedrive, or Olivier Godement from Stripe
  • Meet the most promising startups in Europe including Unbabel, Mellow, Zaask, or Landing.jobs
  • Bump into some of the biggest companies in the world such as BMW, Google, Cisco, Microsoft, or Amazon
  • Get to know one of the most beautiful palaces in Lisbon — Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, our venue
  • Join us for an exclusive yacht cocktail, great live concerts powered by Tradiio, and an epic closing party

Will you join us? Then register here before we run out of tickets just like we did in the last 2 years…

And if you’re not yet convinced here’s a little sneak of what we’ll happen on June 6th and 7th:

We hope to see you there :)

Corporate Track (June 6–7)

For the first time ever in Lisbon we’ll have the Corporate Track, where some of the best companies in Europe will learn about Corporate Innovation and Startup Methodologies, with top innovators, creatives and entrepreneurs.

On June 6ht and 7th during the Lisbon Investment Summit, we’ll take over one of the emblematic rooms of Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, a beautiful palace in Lisbon, to discuss the latest trends on innovation.

But what is this Corporate Track all about?

  • Workshops with experts on ‘corporate innovation’ including Tendayi Viki, author of an award winning innovation framework fro Pearsons and contributor at Forbes
  • Keynotes from great speakers such as Max Kelly, diretor of Techstars who worked for 12 years on innovation and strategy at Virgin
  • Learning about the new trends and startup methodologies
  • Unique networking moments with the speakers of the Lisbon Investment Summit including the Investors Breakfast
  • A tour to the best startups and their offices in including Uniplaces or Talkdesk

This Corporate Track is for 30 people only. If you’re working for a big company and you want to attend we might still have space for you — just register here.

Startup Lisboa Demo Day (June 8)

Codacy, Hole 19, HomeLovers, Prodsmart, Landing.jobs, Uniplaces. All these startups have been through Startup Lisboa before.

This incubator right in the centre of Lisbon is definitely one of the places to visit if you’re an investor or an entrepreneur, and this June they’ll have their Demo Day on June 8th.

Eat, pitch, and love, is their motto for this year’s edition and they’ll have 25 startups pitching

So, why not stay in Lisbon a little longer after the Lisbon Investment Summit and attend this Demo Day? The event is invite only so, if you want to attend let Startup Lisboa know right here .

It will definitely a busy couple of weeks…


Maria Almeida

Almighty Duchess of Content at Beta-i




Beta-i is one of the main entrepreneurship and innovation organisations in Europe, dedicated to building the innovation ecosystem.